So, don’t find it funny but don’t take it seriously? Because...
So, don’t find it funny but don’t take it seriously? Because...
Who’s not relaxed? I said it was funny.
Alex is not a real person. The point is that the writers didn’t even think how this would look.
Obliviousness to racism doesn’t mean absence of racism.
The really funny thing is that nobody on the writing staff thought this subplot might make Alex look really racist.
Based on how weird the characterization of Alex was this week, they can certainly use time to rewrite.
Nine week hiatus?! Between these absurd “mid-season finales” and binge-watching, it’s like any show that airs episodes consecutively until it’s finished is something of a gimmick.
That makes what they they did with Alex this episode, even worse.
Did not one person on this show think to themselves that maybe Alex acting like a trigger happy maniac toward a black person isn’t really a good image at this particular point in space and time? Also, after that laughable bit last week where Kara refuses to tell the team about her visions for no reason at all, here…
Awww man i thought Supergirl was doing something really interesting in having Mon-El have a more serious relationship with Imra that made his feelings for Kara kind of diminish with time. Now it’s getting all CW to force the characters back together
I’m getting kind of bored with this Worldkillers thing.
If she’s emotionally compromised that she can’t do her job, she shouldn’t be doing her job.
Alex was acting EXTREMELY unprofessional here. And it was pretty well established in the end that it came about largely because she’s still not over Maggie yet. Having “been through a lot” and her clear inability not to let it affect her work, is all the more reason why she probably shouldn’t even be working right…
For tonight’s story the asshole that cocks everything up to force drama and confrontation will be *rolls dice* Alex Danvers!
Seemed kind of a “you had an extra big scoop of lead paint flakes for breakfast today, didn’t you?” sort of episode.
That Kara wants to look for the good in Julia absolutely rings true to her character. But in order to inject some conflict into the episode, writers Jessica Queller and Paula Yoo wind up making Alex feel really out of character.
What the fuck was up with Alex this week? Why did they have her acting all “Grrrr argh, torture this woman for no reason, blarrrgghh!”
Kara’s now keeping a secret that she doesn’t need to keep and it makes no sense that she’s keeping it a secret.
At the end of the episode, the white Supergirl pointing at the black girl in a lineup and saying she must be a supervillain cause of a hunch seems to go awfully unclocked by the rest of her team.
“We’re bringing the fun back to The Flash!”