
Thanks you :)

Seriously, I really liked TLA but I love the time and effort this post took as I can understand your point of view prefectly.

Luke left Dagobah with *incomplete* training.

Rey was told, “I’m going to teach you three lessons about why I WON’T train you,” then didn’t even get all three of those lessons.

Wow. This is a great post. I don’t have anything to add; I just wanted to thank you for thought-provoking read.

I love how Eps 4&7 are seen as sol light and bouncy yet both contain the murder of billions of people.

I found Rey’s motivations in this movie to be frustratingly muddled.

That’s really all I had to say. It’s not you. It is the writing. She’s a reactive character who hasn’t been given a real arc yet, which is weird since she’s supposed to be the main character of this trilogy.

yep. It was much better than the prequels. It was fine. Had goods, had bads.

Thank you for your apology.

It’s way, way better than the prequels. The prequels are absolute garbage. This movie I just don’t like.

Wow, yeah, I don’t care if this is removed from canon. It seems like people mostly liked the movie, which says to me that this new Star Wars is just not for me. But...I really hated it.

Here’s what I’m learning; I really liked the original trilogy, to the point where the rebels’ victory over evil in that movie, and the

Same takeaway. It was a fine movie that did some new stuff (though I feel like the “Last Jedi burned the old ways to the ground!!” takes are a bit overdone), but it made me realize that I’m looking for a little more of the fun, adventure-y vibe of it all from these movies, so this wasn’t quite as much of a blast as

You’ve missed the point: tonally, it’s wholly different than any of the other 8 films in the series, including Empire (which is a poor example to use, because it’s the second film in the series; virtually anything would have felt different that what A New Hope had established). You could watch any of the previous

Right. It’s like nowadays if I point out any of the myriad problems the writing has on Game of Thrones, I’ll inevitably get commenters who are like “No one is forcing you to watch it, so why don’t you just stop!!!” I...what? Why would I stop watching a show I overall enjoy because it has some script issues? Have we

But then he doesn’t! I was like holy shit, she actually left.

Maybe you can’t see it but your attitude is pretty much exactly the same as the people who really hated the film and can’t stop making up petitions about it. Who are you to tell other people that they aren’t real fans because they can’t appreciate like you can? “They are ruining the fandom for the rest of us”, what a

Overall I liked it a lot - I liked that made braver and weirder choices than TFA, tearing its new foundations apart and building upon them at the same time.

Laura Dern coulda nailed it.

Force speed just sounds wrong

The movie takes more risks than The Force Awakens, so it’s bound to have more divergent opinions (personally, I thought TFA felt like more of a “Star Wars” movie than TLJ and a lot of the risks Johnson took in TLJ were, quite frankly, idiotic, including turning a character into Star-Lord in that one scene from GOTG).

Rey: Train me

I hated this movie. But I’m not going to sign some silly petition, and I’m not going to make some silly YouTube video hating on it. I’ve loved this saga since I was 6, and this one just didn’t do it for me. But by all means, go see it. Everybody’s mileage varies. See how easy that is?