
He has an epic flatulence problem.

Yes! She’s constantly getting her ass kicked the first time she goes up against any powered bad guy. Then later the “team” talks her up and she’s suddenly able to win the rematch. The exact same thing happens all the time on The Flash.

You’re like the 17th person to mention it.


It’s ridiculous. It doesn’t help that the lighting always seems to emphasize it.

Wouldn’t be surprised if Jax leaves at the same time as Stein, particularly if Wally joins the cast.

It was announced earlier this month that Victor Garber will be leaving this series after this season...

I think a bigger question is why wouldn’t Team Arrow take Sara?

Everyone knows that when a character on a TV show is pregnant, another character has to die so the mother can name the baby after them.

They actually did slowly push in on her face. When she gets to the section about seeing her kids: yep, a slow zoom on her face.

Obviously I’m a little late with this, but you can find the original comments archived on Disqus:

It was Beethoven who Brahms was responding to, not Mozart.

Not sure where else to put this, but:

Note: AV Club died on the way back to its home planet.

Note: AV Club died on the way back to its home planet.

My absolute favorite episode so far of the season (and maybe one of my all-time favorite episodes of television ever—one that could stand on its own as a short film), and right on cue, the AV Club reviewer gives it their lowest grade yet.

WRITER1: let's just have a bunch of skeletons drop into the pool. it'll look really cool.

Ugh, the explanation below: "A wizard did it!"

Exactly. The Eye was "Generic Henchman." No defined powers. No personality. Just another tired trope the multitudes here have generously overlooked in their rush to throw praise on this show…

In a series of clever animations rendered on the chalkboards…