
I wish more shows could be that much of a mess. Calling a season with so many high points "miserable" seems like a complete lack of perspective. Book 3 presented us with wonder on a scale rarely seen in television. The series did some things wrong, but they did a LOT of things right, too. Why can't we acknowledge both

Yeah, how could anyone ever call THIS guy immature!?

That last bit was exactly what so many people need to hear.

You mean someone that has contribute to cinema like few people living today, but that internet types treat like dirt because all they can ask is "what have you done for me lately"? Yeah, that's about the gist of it.

Yeah, give me the hyper realism of see-through green ghosts any day!

Using this episode to trash Jackson is like using Martin to trash Tolkien. It's ahistoric. You're admiring the building's newest additions while forgetting who laid the foundation in the first place!

Seth Meyers was the weakest part of Seth Meyers's goodbye.

I haven't seen Newsroom but am strongly considering it. That's a great clip in the article. I don't know if the show is ACTUALLY a debacle, or if it's really more like a mixed bag that the internet labels a debacle because commenters can only articulate in extremes (see also: Homeland). I'm getting the latter feeling

The folks at WETA made a damn convincing Boromir corpse (I've seen it up close, at an exhibit. Amazing work). You'd think Sean Bean could've hooked Gleeson up.

So that answers the question of whether or not some of these quotes are awful on purpose.

I HOPE Fuller has little regard for the source material. Only about 25% of it is worth a damn, and that 25% includes a book he doesn't have the rights to.

I'll sign on to that. What makes the spinach gag different from all the other "time-wasters" is that it's based on something relatable. Having to use a can opener is indeed a horrible, perilous, and time-consuming endeavor.

Absolutely, this was a great show.

If Cranston can take the joke, you can take the joke.

It didn't come off as ANYTHING because Clarke and the new guy have zero chemistry. The character is supposed to be tawdry and threatening, with ambiguous intentions. I wasn't particularly invested in the original actor, but the new guy is just a complete void. If Dany is meant to go the distance with this character,

Something that will waste her horribly.

"It’s not like Christopher Lloyd never works or has a terrible career or
anything. He turns up frequently in TV guest spots, and he’s in a number
of films most years"


I'm starting to realize that when the internet wants to lash out against a show, but doesn't understand what it takes to craft a story over YEARS, "planning" is their default whine. It's never writers who complain about this stuff. Deciding how a series ends seasons in advance is like building a skyscraper's top floor

If we're lucky.