
They weren't trying to shoot Rick's group, they were herding them. Really surprised by the number of people who didn't get this.

"Fly" is not better than The Walking Dead's pilot!

Working in a cole mine is brutal. Getting well paid to work on a high-profile television show that you think perhaps isn't written as well as you'd like… is not.

Because it's the only thing associated with her that carries weight?

"Oh, relax" can't possibly be anything BUT dismissive. Just FYI.

I've found the one righteous man in this Sodom of hyperbole and fanboy whining. Unfortunately, I needed ten, so God still have to smite AV Club anyway.

Todd VanDerWerff: 1
Fish In A Barrel: 0

I think MacFarlane's such a good voice actor, people kinda forget it's him. Even though we're of course aware of his contributions, he melts into certain characters so completely that we disassociate them from him. If that makes any sense.

Hannibal's gonna eat Bev raw, her arms and legs slapping impotently against his face, Oldboy style.

No! Keep going! These articles are nothing without your angry rants in the comments! My suggestion:


I don't know why this keeps coming up again and again, like Lizzie's craziness was some kind of missed communication. "Why did nobody tell her!?" They did! These things have been explained. She just doesn't ACCEPT them, that's the issue.

Protip: Jack's comments are a lot more fun if you imagine them being said by The Architect.

By "watching" he means paying attention. And no, you haven't.

Cold pragmatism is "whatever the hell that moral framework is". She acts in whatever way she deems to be the most rational. Letting Lizzie wander the earth is not rational, it's sentimental and entirely against the frame of mind Carol is striving for. What if Zombie Lizzie (Lizzombie?) went on to kill another Sophia?

"I don’t really respond to law shows or cop shows, but if you put them in a spaceship, I’ll perk up."

I love how everyone defending Dunham on here is like, "Look, I don't even enjoy/know much about Girls!" They feel compelled to push back against Dunham's detractors, but also don't want to embrace her fully because, come on, there's a limit.

What if Chris Farley had gotten naked in every damn movie he made? Then we could start comparing the two.

Dunham… not… necessarily the deepest, most soul-searching…

You talkin' crazy. Say what you want about House of Cards, but Spacey is AWESOME in it. He's pretty much the sole reason for the show's success, with the possible exception of Robin Wright.