
I'm sorry life hasn't gone as well for you as you planned.

But enough about Community…

Pandering is the word. It indulges in stereotypical wish-fulfillment too much for me to respect the thing. Strange coming from Moore, who has never been afraid to challenge the audience.

If Hannibal Lector were to ever eat a fast food burger, this would be the one. It's even the same color of his spirit animal!

At least the current host of The Late Late Show won't be a Brit for too much longer.

I'm very sorry to hear life hasn't gone well for you.

But he's on the right side of things, and that's got to count for something.

If Vice sent someone who was up to the manly standards of Mr. Sacrelicious, someone who looked like the people he was interviewing (so no women or minorities, I guess) you'd spend three paragraphs denouncing their shameless pandering to the locals. But then we'd miss all that wit. You forgot the inhaler joke, by the

It's heartening to see that a lot of people are going to experience this simply because they're expecting an entertaining disaster. So in that way, a review this wildly off the mark is a gift to the film.

So that's like if Tom Cruise was an author?

That anyone would make such a brainless comparison had me vomiting too.

Just like Southland Tales and Cloud Atlas and The Fountain got a free pass from critics? I don't know what world you're living in where there's not an equally vocal critic contingent who will slap down anything ambitious simply because it IS ambitious. Because they certainly exist, and are at least as numerous as the

I think he was referring to Wright's self-named character having a life/career different from the real woman, which the reviewer was oddly hung up about. If one can't take that most modest suspension of disbelief, I'm not surprised they can't swallow the rest.

There suddenly being a movie with a Han Solo role in it for the first time in decades probably also contributed to his decision.

You're as witty as you are wise.

"Jewish state" and "democracy" are not compatible terms. Like Iran, Israel "elects" people to institute the state's true theocratic values.

Playing the eternal victim isn't as persuasive as you think it is.

This is what it always comes down to: Israel's war crimes don't matter because someone somewhere else in the world is being worse, so Israeli doesn't have to be accountable for anything! Atrocity is a game of one-upsmanship, after all. Only the very worst deserve scrutiny.

I'm sorry about whatever it is that happened to you that makes you act like this.