
I think it’s actually a dog whistle for unhinged partisan dipshits.

Here’s the link to their KS campaign, since it wasn’t provided in the article for some reason. 6 days to go and they’re pretty close to being funded.

MY guess would be the leaked papers talk about microwaves as mwhite66 points out. Since most folks aren’t familiar with the term for the electromagnetic spectrum radio waves and are familiar with microwave ovens (often referred to here as simply as “microwaves”), that someone that doesn’t understand would hear someone

Here’s your SJW card. Now move along.

What? We pay the Engineers the same whether they’re coming from India or locally. At least that’s the case here with my Employer, and we hire a ton of engineers. It’s actually more expensive once you factor in Visa costs and relocation packages.

Because real lefty-liberals hate Indians and Asians for not embracing the victim mentality and actually being ambitious, and not falling into the trap of crime and community disintegration caused by poverty that you see among other immigrant and ethnic groups.

Not that I completely agree with the Republicans on this one but it’s absolutely not a necessity. I don’t have a smart phone. I’m a well off “millenial” that can afford one but I choose not to have one. I function perfectly fine in our society without one. There are some people who do need to rethink their priorities.

Because this is former Gawker and he has an R by his name. Period.

Personal responsibility should not be shunned and he is not all that wrong. It may not be a popular statement, and it may hurt peoples feelings or offend them... but spend money responsibly. I have a buddy that used a go phone for YEARS because that is all he could afford. When he finally got some pay raises and his

I like your style.

So, this is a hopeful, feel-good movie where we get to where we want to be, by ripping most of the world’s population violently to pieces?

The best part is he unstarred me for it.

Actually the paper names her as Director. After reading it I’m confident that the guy listed as the Engineer is the person responsible for the method and the Paper itself, and that Stewart’s name is only there because of her involvement in the Film.

As a black person, I would be much happier if they made a good movie as opposed to having a multicultural jamboree.

Trust me, the internet culture that props this guy up is not something you want to be apart of.

As usual you are for every kind of diversity as long as it’s not intellectual or political diversity

Because people have a right to believe what they want to believe, even if they are wrong both objectively (based on evidence) as well as subjectively (my opiion of said beliefs). A core tenant of the Bill of Rights is the protection of unpopular speech and unpopular beliefs, even when there is evidence that both

I want to do this, but haven’t had the opportunity lately. I will move if I see the guy start to alter his course as well though.