
G20 Hamburg Protest. Google it.

Wrong. Those of us with a basic understanding of history, and the manner in which Communist revolutions happen (you conveniently left out the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, Cuba, Ethiopia, etc.), are right to take notice of any violence in the streets by groups which outwardly profess Marxist sentiments. Even failed

The Star Wars movies have always been the Skywalker saga set against the backdrop of the fight against the Empire. Furthermore, while there’s no direct evidence to suggest that Rey is related to Luke, there is plenty of potential foreshadowing going on in that regard. Rey grew up without her real parents on a desert

Well, rumors beginning to float around online suggest that Scott might be taking things in a direction that potentially undermines Aliens as well. Reclaiming ownership of the franchise he kicked off, as it were.

If by “here” you mean Gizmodo, then you’re absolutely correct, and I agree that it’s unfortunate.

That’s because people love customization. And it’s not like people automatically go for realistic, either. Part of the fun of games with detailed character customization is enjoying the hideous monstrosities that some people wind up creating. Which is kind of the same thing as a really beautiful character, just at the

I seem to remember some Trump-inspired targeting going on in Chicago recently in which a white male was the victim. Let’s not pretend that ignorance discriminates.

Huh? It’s hopeful and feel-good because many of the victims are white men... Untermenschen, as it were. So get outta here with all of your silly, history bullsh*t. You’re spoiling all of the fun.

Your closing position is that a better future entails a world virtually devoid of white men. Fine. Let’s subject your position to the Equality Test. All humans being equal, your position should ring true irrespective of either race or gender, right? Right. Okay, let’s try it: A better future entails a world virtually

The author was deliberately clear in her position. Aren’t you shocked? I’m so shocked! It’s totally shocking!

As an American, I’d argue that the ignorance present in this article is more expansive than you’re giving it credit for.

Defeated Progressive, Butt-Hurt Over Trump’s... Inauguration, Whines About It (So Do Her Peers)

You just Jenga-ed a Hollywood PR campaign without even trying. Post more.

Read my reply to Fenrirwulf or TRT-X. And f*ck Kinja. I’m beginning to doubt that this was an accident.

You’re right. I was responding to a post that referenced abortion, among other things. The comment scroll seems a bit f*cked at the moment.

I don’t disagree. I was responding to an earlier post. I have no idea why my response was tied to a more recent post. Kinda irritated about it, tbh.

Your belief system is correct, and anyone who doesn’t share it is disgusting. Got it.

George also graciously allowed for the expansion of his vision via the EU, which kept a lot of people interested even as the brilliance of the original masterpieces was (debatably) being undermined by subsequent films.

I mean, they definitely weren’t as good as 4-6, but they had their merits. Seeing Coruscant was almost enough for me to forgive the rest. If one were to recast those movies, aim for about 30% less CGI and/or CGI chrome, and ding up and sandblast most of the ships/vehicles, the movies might actually align pretty well

Well, George is the one who ultimately granted Disney the authority to kill the franchise, so I can’t say I disagree.