
The look on the soldier’s face is perfect. It’s like he’s thinking, “Wait a minute... did I really just kill Star Wars?!”

Stop it! Stop being so rational! Your head-heart balance is all wrong!

That’s funny. I’ve begun to view the NFL itself as the lowest common denominator among men in the US. If you assemble five guys of any age who don’t know each other in a room during football season, there’s literally no way that football doesn’t get talked about. I used to see this first hand at my old job. When I

My last post was a lot nastier then it needed to be. My apologies. Be well.

Then buy and play games with characters that are more appealing to you. If you didn’t like a particular song, would you incessantly criticize the song and actively crusade to get the song changed, and then continue crusading in an effort to preemptively ban any songs of a similar style that might potentially get made

Your argument about the nature of the gaming industry is valid, and one that I agree with. Brotastic is a bad look for any industry.

Oh, please. The idea that you’re not specifically seeking to influence the direction that this particular artform takes is doubly asinine.

I love that you attributed political correctness to conservatives while complaining about revisionism.

Please. Rapinoe’s grandstanding just as hard as anyone else.

You forgot Michelangelo. Seriously. Because Kanye's timeless brand of genius will be admired by humanity well into the 25th century and beyond.

That’s precisely the point: If you want better characters, then write a story with better characters in it. Develop the games you want to see developed. I mean, given the comments on Kotaku, you’d clearly have an audience. But any expectation on your end that current developers (artists) should deliver only characters

You’re arguing for fair representation. In works of fiction. Arguing that artists should reduce, or alter—self-censor—any works that don’t conform to your standards. Would Little Women be a better book with more male protagonists? Who cares. People like it the way it is.

Whether or not you feel the character is creative enough is irrelevant. The character simply is. As with fiction in all of its other forms, you either take it or you leave it. Critiquing fiction is fair play; censoring it is totalitarian.

It is, however, childish to believe that a hazy-boundaried idea like fair representation extends to everything under the sun, and that this idea should furthermore be used to limit the creative license that humanity has been granting to works of fiction for thousands of years.