
How appropriate, forcing “rape insurance” legislation on voters that don’t want it. Sounds like the GOP.

These guys need to get the fuck out of America. Or the 21st century. I’ve fucking had it.

Apparently, no one. But Gov. Brown is determined to win the Ohio coal miner vote. Seriously, he mentions coal miners, apparently the only valuable voters to either party. Why not throw your base under the bus for 80,000 people in Ohio who are NEVER GOING TO VOTE FOR YOU ANYWAY?

To borrow from the great Luvvie Ajayi, it’s worse than I cannot, I AM UNABLE TO CAN with these guys.

I think it is because there were no casualties. In no way does it excuse anything, but the calamity is so constant that anything that isn’t extremely deadly, dramatic, and/or weird, has trouble gaining traction. Plain old hate crimes just aren’t unusual enough in this dumpster fire?

Seems fair to me.

Even more importantly, none within reach.

I went to the link and it was already bookmarked :)

I understood that it wasn’t your intention - as much of a goon as Pence is, I would be far more confident he wouldn’t call for a missile strike because someone called him fat on Twitter. Impulse control is a quality that’s really desirable in some with nuclear launch codes. The Brown thing just struck me as one of

If history is any indication, humanity is capable of nothing if not inventing things that will have massive and catastrophic effects that we fail to predict. So, I’m not endorsing the idea that it’s going to ameliorate global warming, but I’m willing to bet it would fuck us in all sorts of ways we haven’t even

If only American exceptionalism was true...

Not right, but pretty fucking consistent.

Getting a good lawyer to read any contract before you sign it is a smart move. But I don’t know what kind of clause for terminating the contracts in case one of the parties harasses and rapes the other one a lawyer could design. (Obviously, no one should need to devise such a clause, but... people are the worst.)

He’s certainly earned it (the bad things, not the royalties). But if that was how life worked, the would be a very different place.

“Don’t push people into oncoming traffic” is a pretty universal rule. There are different quirks in different countries about etiquette, but that’s a pretty straightforward norm.

Huh, I would have guessed he was involved.

I said, “Gross,” out loud as I read this on public transit.

I don’t know about how quickly HSV mutates, but HIV mutates rapidly (most viruses do) and sequencing the genomes of specific strains of the virus is considered a way of establishing and tracing transmission. It’s certainly not a test one would do as part of a doctor’s visit and it wouldn’t be done as part of any