
You’ve got it!

I’ve always resisted this, not because it’s a bad idea, but because I’ve always hated going to Target and eye-balling which bras look about my size and the only ones available are nursing bras. Kind of a bummer for someone with no kids. But maybe now that I’m not 19 and give so fewer fucks about undergarments also

It’s interesting the way that graph is scaled - the overdoses per 100,000 and the kilograms prescribed per 10,000. It’s not that it’s not a good visualization of the ratio; it is. Just also interesting choices of measures.

This guy makes me smile...

Haha, I understand what you’re saying. I don’t like softening things like that and medicalizing them is another thing I hate. Sometimes assholes are not assholes because they are afraid or mentally ill; they’re just mean.

Not unless that country basically releases them to us. Fun fact - diplomats also don’t have to pay sales tax and it’s a real pain in the ass if you work retail.

If you’re a decent prosecutor, you should be able to get a grand jury to indict a bag of rocks. You only have to present what you want to and there’s no cross or defense witnesses or alternate theories. If you can tell a story, the grand jury will indict. Unless you don’t actually want them to.

I’m reminded of Maria’s clothes in the Sound of Music: “The poor didn’t want these.”

The Jamboree went so well! And the state’s Republican Senator just made a massively unpopular decision to vote for McConnell’s turd of legislation. It’s a great time, when people are so acutely aware how badly the GOP is trying to screw them! Why not become a Republican alongside the Republican president as he reaches

That’s true of more people than not in this administration.

Thank you! These have great reviews from a 34G (like me) - I’m going to try one!

Jim Justice? Are you fucking kidding me West Virginia?

Ooh, thanks for the tip! (It took so much effort to not say “for the tit.” I’m an emotional child.)

See, I have not found people any more receptive when I call them an asshole than they are when I call them a racist. Am I doing it wrong?

Also why feminism is threatening. A partnership of equals is something these people have no interest in, in any gender combo.

If you’re going to argue about the concept of marriage, it’s has first and foremost been a transaction of property transfer. That transaction may have been ritualized, but that’s always been its purpose.

I like it? It’s not something that seems to smell all day and it’s not overpowering. It’s floral, jasmine or gardenia, I think. Lush is really difficult because anything you try to smell is influenced by the wall of odor you hit when you walk in there. Most things I’ve gotten there smell a lot softer and lovely out of

Not trying to make light of this, but I also don’t understand that level of energy... I’m pretty exhausted a lot of the time just dealing with actual problems that directly affect me. I don’t understand how people get so worked up about insane, make-believe shit that doesn’t make any impact on their lives.

Now that I think about it, I was still growing while they were super-popular. I guess the itching is a somewhat middle ground between an underwire and sweatiness/inability to climb stairs?

I do kinda miss the days of the ever-present “built-in bra” cami. It never worked as an actual bra, but it was enough to keep things under control without creating boob jail.