
It is for most procedures, to do tissue analysis and make sure they don’t see anything really abnormal - if you get your appendix removed, it’s sent to a pathologist. I don’t know specifically why in the case of abortions. Doctors will try to ID all the components of what they remove after the procedure, to ensure

I don’t think Trump will last 4 years! Mueller is too good at his job to let everybody off for this. McCain, Ernst, and Shelby, all Republican Senators, have come out and said that Trump’s tweet banning transgender people from the military is wrong and everyone should be allowed to serve, so... that’s nice. If the GOP

I’d love an estimate of the costs that will be incurred trying to legally defend this and/or implement it.

Oh... yeah, then I’ve got nothing.

So I’m generally in favor of putting 100% blame on this administration just as a rule, the insurance companies are not exactly good-faith actors in this scenario. The administration has given them a great excuse to jack up rates, but they’re also always looking to increase rates. They don’t have altruistic motives any

Rich or poor, almost all sexual assaults go unpunished? There are a lot of poor racists who also say whatever they want? Does that help? Or maybe I’m going the wrong way with this.

I understand - the whole thing just doesn’t add up. O’Reilly pulled out the same “I did it for my family” excuse. The lawyer exchanging “assault” for “harassment” is already proving him a liar. I’m not sure how well the, “I signed the statement but it wasn’t true,” thing is supposed to work in his favor either. He’s

To pull out a classic:

Or that sanctuary cities won’t get the surplus military equipment. A huge loss of tanks and assault weapons will be... not that big a deal for cities trying to push deescalation techniques and community policing. I don’t know if that’s part of the deal, although you’re correct on the con law, but either way, it’s an

To add, it’s also not just about one person. It’s also about community policing and public safety. You isolate a segment of the population by acting as immigration agents rather than community police. Now they don’t feel free to report crimes, won’t talk to the police, won’t cooperate with investigations, and become

His lawyer refers to the accusations as being of harassment, which really gets me. It’s not good when you’re trying to downplay your client’s actions as sexual harassment and it’s incredibly shitty for Holder to be put through this and have her experience diminished like that. Not to say that sexual harassment is an

He was accused of assault, not harassment.

I love Fiona and this is enough for me to go to Ohio.

It might be, but multiple sources ID’ed Cortes as the executive in Holder’s account of her assault to the NYT. His whole argument against their “scapegoating” of him as part of PR strategy in dealing with sexual harassment conveniently conflates assault and harassment, as well. Could he just be a guy against whom

Using “What about the menz?” as a legal argument. Fantastic.

Look, I’m not a fan of his and am devastated they’re even bringing this to the floor. But realistically, voting against your party when you’re definitely going to lose, just for the symbolic value isn’t smart politics, it makes you less credible within your party and less appealing to donors. When it is an issue you

I reaaaaallly want to see a proposal for this nonprofit.

Saturday Night Massacre 2.0

Social Media Director/DJT nanny. So many jobs in this WH are ones I’d use as part of a criminal sentence.

He’s not insisting on crazy amendments being added that would allow insurers to provide not-insurance, like Ted Cruz? He’s not Ted Cruz, just generally?