Chase Martin

You're right, fans should just shut up and never expect to have a conclusion because that's ungrateful. And it's impatient when fans expect news to come out only for him to blow right past the deadline that he gave himself only to tell people that he's working on something new! that no one's heard of nor cares about 

Damn you are a FUNNY guy!

Why even make this movie then? It sounds like he had an idea for a movie that no one would pick up and decided to just throw the Joker name on it and hope that comic-book fans would flock to it based off name alone

You shouldn't encourage this sort of horse girl behavior

The degree to which some people are spoiler-averse is ridiculous. I understand not wanting to know main plot details, but not even watching trailers? How do these people even know when movies are coming out if they are just avoiding every movie trailer? And there are some who avoid watching openings for anime out of

I for one can’t wait for Kyrie and KD to join the Knicks so they can finally play in a market free from media scrutiny and where they will be extremely likable

I hate to break it to you, but having TWO Hawkeyes on a team and a gag character like Gwenpool are not going to lead to a long-running series

For someone who supposedly hates Washington as much as he does, he is also a huge homer for them so he must be right when he says it’s a shitty sports town

Right, because those two are the first teams that have discovered that a worse record leads to better picks. Just ignore the fact that Philly did it FOR YEARS and were/are celebrated for it

Your son(s) suck

Billy, for sure

And he had gone to school with her ever since kindergarten! Such a long history of shared experiences

Everything the Browns do goes up in flames, everything the Jags do is completely inconsequential

The title of the article is My Son has Ruined Zelda

Imagine if his dad wrote an article on the internet “my son has ruined Doom for me” for everyone in the world to read

Except Hunter x Hunter isn’t like that at all. Their aren’t random powerups, and the “main” character just got a significant power down

At this point it’s like saying George R. R. Martin is still working on Winds of Winter

Eat the fish you get from Jackass

Whis can manipulate time without the use of a Time Ring so I think he fast forwarded only Bulma to a time when her baby was born. The implications of this, however, is that he shortened her life by however long

Here is anyone giving a shit