
The beauty of it all again reminds me of how amazing God is... I'm not looking for proof, just in awe of His creation. It's a thing of beauty and sheer amazement.

Seriously, can I just sit down and think up stuff and patent it? I am sure I can make a living off of all the sic-fi stored in my head.

This my current bill with AT&T:

Steve, I have a 7 year old who loves electronics. I let him play on iPhone, he plays video games, and just a general desire for technology. What recommendations do you have for me to continue to engage him and nurture these possible talents?

Hey Lindelof,

For me & my house, it all depends upon price. No doubt it will be an Apple product. We love iOS & OS X. So now it depends upon how much we can spend & the best deal I can get. If it's cheaper to get an iPad that's a little smaller (& we don't have an iPad yet in our home), then by all means.

It's also known to be piloted by Boba Fett

Charcoal. Is there any other?

the bigger question is...when is the sequel coming out?

Guess I need to upgrade my iPhone 4.

the bigger question Sam is.... how you getting 4G on your iPhone?

he works for at&t

I would use it if the places I went to actually used Square. I love the concept.

O, i see. So Iron Man 1 & 2, Thor, and Captain America were all prequels. And Iron Man 3, Thor 2, Captain America 2 will be sequels leading to The Avengers 2. I can live with that.

what about Abel? Genesis 4:8, "Now Cain said to his brother Abel, 'Let’s go out to the field.' While they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him."


i just had to

Is there a link to the iOS app?

It's not available in the App Store on iOS yet. And I don't see anywhere to get the reader. What gives?

Yep, I can see the addicts now.