"iFixit recommends adding a smaller, cheaper SSD and using that as your boot drive while using your HDD for media files and things of the like. Hard to go against that advice."
"iFixit recommends adding a smaller, cheaper SSD and using that as your boot drive while using your HDD for media files and things of the like. Hard to go against that advice."
Am I the only one dying to play with this? I so want to try this on myself.
RIM just needs to change itself to RIP
I just feel bad for the people below!
New Vegas meets Mothership Zeta!
So will the RIAA go after Sony?
I got lucky. I have kids under 5 yr old. Yay for getting up too early!
@robots199: you must be under 21 years old
"I don't know if it's God's way of telling me I need to buy a MacBook Air, but I've gotten myself into a bind here in China."
@Copernileo: AMEN! Ditto! Nice to know I am not the only one out here.
Last week I left my wallet & a Redbox DVD in a shopping cart in a grocery parking lot. The thief returned the wallet to the grocery store, but kept the Redbox DVD.
Finally gonna get my Back To My Mac working after all this time. ACCESS GRANTED!