It’s been so long since I’ve played any Fallout. So with my 1000 hours of Destiny logged, I’ve gotten used to hot fixes and updates to broken parts of the game.
It’s been so long since I’ve played any Fallout. So with my 1000 hours of Destiny logged, I’ve gotten used to hot fixes and updates to broken parts of the game.
Craigslist baby. I love it!
please help me answer this…. why couldn't Blink have just killed all the sentinels by cutting them in half with her portals?
Do you ever get lost?
So is Microsoft going to show up at my door when I haven't connected my Xbox One in a week to the net?
I'm a Christian and I had no problem getting baptized at the beginning.
Wow, this has nothing to do with the article. But for the first time I am able to add a comment from my iphone! Wow, thx Giz.
? i dont understand the creepiness? i just got lucky
o, your right. I sold the 32GB for $380. I then sold a 16GB model for $310.
Where can you sell a 16GB iPhone 4 for $380? Craigslist. ;D remember me Leslie?
YES. that sounds more like it.
Same here. i totally thought it would be 'The New iPhone'
I sold it to a guy from Europe who is in town with the local Air Force base. He found me from my CL listing.
I sold my 32GB iPhone 4 black model for $380 about two weeks ago. Yes, that's right. I am extremely grateful.
I bet he sleeps with a deck of cards under his pillow every night for safety...