
Dave Bautista is the best prop from the movie.

Vikings New Stadium Struggles With Having To Host The Vikings.

Could you imagine if mainstream IRL sports were like this? The Yankees can’t play up to par because their gloves aren’t failing properly? A top PGA pro bows out of a tournament because his broken putter is broken wrong? The Patriots make a legacy out of improperly inflated footballs?

The LA County Fair’s Tunnel of Love just got 100% more interesting.

Jace and Stoneforge Mystic can be heard faintly cackling.

As I remember it, it doesn’t particularly matter if the threat is credible as far as it being a crime and the threatener needing a stiff talking to. The problem, of course, is actually stopping the President from being killed. With throwaway Twitter accounts, it must be next to impossible to determine who is saying

The face I made about the Looney Toons/DC crossover comics cannot be expressed in words.

Is it a sign of artistic progress that they’re unable to actually draw the characters as poorly as they used to?

Dammit, now I just want Kung Fury 2. Another good example of how adding Hasselhoff to your nostalgia trip is the best idea.

You know, my mom still has a little respect for me.

It’s a new day, yes it is.

Elderly Lego Man might be the nicest and most accurate description of Pence I’ve ever seen on this site. Bravo.

Oh boy, another Minnesotan athlete that leaves here and finds huge success with another team. Make sure to high-five David Ortiz, Percy Harvin, A.J. Pierzynski, Jared Allen, and technically Brock Lesnar.

Target Center opened in 1990. Garnett was drafted in ‘95. However, the team was garbage toilets before Garnett revitalized the team. Ever since the Lakers left Minneapolis, basketball in Minnesota was either non-existent or extremely low priority. Garnett may not have built the Target Center, but it certainly feels

I never meta humor I didn’t like.

Well, after the ambulance flip, this seems like small potatoes.

We can check “ability to dick around with NPCs” off the list of Things Zelda Games Must Have.

I continue to be plagued by strong time and money management and have not played this game. Stop making me want to buy it. Also, more sweet boss fight musics.