
It looks kind of like Reverse Hitman, that is, a “puzzle game” where the puzzles are all about murder.

For a game built entirely on nostalgia for days gone by, I think they would do exactly that.

“N-no. Supes, come on. A little to the left. I know you get your powers from the sun, but we don’t.”

Good secret work, Blizzard. You have learned well. Now the bar has been raised. Will you heart bees, or are you more of a potato kind of company?

In Magic’s past, there are nine cards that are so busted that they have been named The Power Nine, like a gang of outlaws. One is the Black Lotus as discussed here. Five more are the Moxes, one for each color. The other three are all blue, and are the three cards across the bottom of the picture: Timetwister, Time

Pretty much every wrestler knows how to perform her moves, but Nia Jax is not like most girls.

Magic: the Gathering’s Caw-Blade deck squaks quietly in the distance.

My suspension of disbelief is in a trash can on the Moon. This is the best thing ever.

Ric Flair kicked out of bar for acting like Ric Flair.

Article not posted on Easter. 0/10.

I like how she (maybe? Pink hoodie?) looks both ways like you’re supposed to, but doesn’t actually look left until she’s fully crossed the crossing. That’s not how you look both ways.

Glad to see JBL keeping kayfabe from his wrestling days. Anyone who takes the chance to beat up The Blue Meanie for real on live TV should always be considered an ass.

If America is to be the world’s police, then we need the accountability that comes with it. I don’t know about you, but I’m not ready for that.

As I remember it, there was one anime movie that actually had characters that looked decent. Of course, the rest of the movie wasn’t so good. Dragonball: Evolution was a mistake.

Character In Video Game All About Humanity Now Looks Slightly More Human.

I’m pretty sure the Montreal Expos peaked 75 million years ago.

Now I’m no fan of the Prez or anything, but isn’t there precedent? Like, with Reagan? I’m not saying this doesn’t suck, but it’s not unheard of.

As long as the finale doesn’t revolve around doing things at three different points in time SIMULTANEOUSLY, it will be an improvement.

In as much as Riot needed Blizzard’s support to make League of Legends.