
This movie seems like it could be a bit Wilder.

People don’t want to see heart-warming eSports videos for the same reason they don’t want to see heart-warming Scrabble videos. The majority of general audiences don’t see them as “traditional” sports, and trying to tug on non-existent heartstrings just feel...odd.

Couldn’t hold that back anymore, huh?

To be fair, symphony technology has been pretty stagnant for centuries.

Only if you’re in groups 7 and 8.

I think the demon that got summoned to be the owner of the Cowboys has reached the end of its contract, and since it can’t progress back to its own dark dimension, is just fucking with the team for shiggles.

HQ crashed tonight. Pretty sure the online user total doubled from yesterday, or was at least crazy high. 109,000, I think.

This is the big-time version of when Avril Lavigne wore a T-shirt from my high school.

Japanese angels are sworn enemies of onii-chan.

This assumes that people who act like adults go to wrestling shows.

No, I’m not some big fancy city lawyer. I’m just a country man from a country farm. And Your Honor, if there’s one thing I know better than any city slicker here, it’s horseshit. This, Your Honor, is horseshit.

I basically only play TF2 in a “wrong” fashion. No Flamethrower Pyro (shotgun and rake), Halo Engineer (no turrets, just pistol, shottie, and melee), Fish Scout (the Scout has a fish, deal with it). There’s classics like Scout Heavy (no minigun, just shotgun) or Battle Medic (be useless), but nothing beats Demopan.

Why aren’t you talking about the real question at hand: how much ball pit time did the IRL streamers lose as punishment?

Is this why everyone in The Flash won’t shut up about how they don’t trust each other because they never talk about their personal problems? I like long-running plot hooks as much as the next guy, but we don’t need to hear Cisco talk about he’s so mad, you guys, for realsies because he’s too mad to talk about how mad

Love me some Bambi.

I saw the quote before the video, and the first thing I imagined was Mr. President taking a shot, watching it slice like an infomercial knife, drop another ball, take another shot, then grin like he did it first try.

Whenever all the Steam reviews say “go in blind” and “it’s a wholesome lovely visual novel”, my suspicion alarm went crazy.

I work with kids in Minnesota, and very few of them refer to the game as “duck duck gray duck”. I believe it has a lot to do with immigration and parents who are themselves transplants not just to Minnesota, but to America in general.

And they still can’t change the card back because they accidentally created the longest-run, most popular CCG and the cards from 1993 still get played to this day.

The Twins did make the playoffs, so that’s something. Right?