
Wait, is this PG Ted?

Wait, is this PG Ted?

Priest won’t be the only class with a quest. In fact, if quests become meta, then everyone will be losing their turn 1.

Finally, our long-term plans hatched in 1998 to get revenge on dirty birds is complete!

To be fair, you want someone who is usually moving around to be advertising Pokemon Go, so...

We must push the payroll.

Lifecoach retires, citing backlash from his rope abuse.

A note: if there is an inexpensive build-around card with little down-side to play and massive up-side, having it always start in your hand is amazing. I get that drawing it late-game is useless, but it’s crazy good.

To be fair, Voez is a lot of fun. It’s actually my favorite mobile rhythm game; most other free-with-microtransaction games have terrible UI. But if we already have a phone, why do we need to buy it again?

It’s always a good day to remember the Mango Sentinel’s favorite snacks: Pringles with the curly mustache and scoops of Haagen Daas.

There is no need to add another funny comment. When they say “they should have sent a poet,” they are speaking of you.

The problem with the fake news is now my parents, who are legitimately logical and smart people, don’t believe a goddamn word I say when I tell them a news story unless it’s cited by at least three major news networks and I personally know one of the reporters.

Now playing

I know it’s not from Japan, but I’m as surprised as you that it’s not. May I present: Joey Ryan.

Of course ... “on accident” ... yes ...

Question: if he doesn’t recuse himself from his own trials against...himself, I guess, how does that work?

Is this the fabled penalty in which “He was giving him the business” is an accurate description?

*puts on USA hat*

Sweet, I can get an Umbreon, set it as my buddy Pokemon, and be as close as currently possible to having an actual Umbreon for a pet. Thank you, magical technology fairy.

Of course there was too much expectation. This would be like if they released a Street Fighter game and didn’t include a story mode. Sure, you don’t need a story mode, and many people don’t play story mode that much, but it’s a regular expectation. If you are making a game in a major franchise, the expectations are to

The beauty of living in America is that we are free to criticize the people in power. The position you’re thinking of is a dictator, who cannot be criticized. And if you think that Donald Trump is a dictator, then I guess we have to agree to disagree.