
That’s the max number a YT playlist will show at once. You can have them bigger, but only 200 videos at a time will “load”. If you have it fullscreen, it will go through those first 200, then loop around to the beginning instead of going to #201, since the actual page doesn’t reload between videos.

Zalgo? That’s some tasty vintage internet right there.

What? No, I’m not jealous. I’m...working on my Hulk cosplay. That’s why I’m so green. It’s not envy.

As long as AJ Styles doesn’t fall down the stairs again.

It took me longer than I care to admit to recognize that Planet Terry is a pun. I have brought shame to my family.

I think we need to take all these puns and throw them into a friar.

I would ask my brother, who works at US Customs at an airport, if having access to Twitter would help, but I don’t think I need to hear another story about how stupid people who break the rules usually are.

What, no Fighting Sioux? Sure, it’s not relevant to the area, but the merch is just sitting around in North Dakota’s warehouses and missile silos.

See, this is why new Top Gear will never win. Could you imagine 4 minutes worth of jokes about LeBlanc Island?

This week, on Survivor: EU...

The “hacker” is probably a student. If so, he’ll probably be expelled. Remember, kids, when trying to effect change, never break the rules, or you’ll pay the price.

I mean, the bass line is tasty, but straight mayo is not tasty, ruining the flavor somewhat.

He’s working on that big nuclear wessel in the sky now.

Penny Arcade has been favoring the style of humor that can be categorized as “boy, aren’t our characters super strange and have zero handle on the world around them”.

Kinda? It’s more bullet-shaped, as the name implies.

It would have played out similarly, I think.

Woo, my story is published!

There’s only ONE WORD to describe you, and I’m gonna spell. It. Out.

In the Pokemon post, I said that we needed the return of wearing shorts, and here we are. Well-Worn Pants. They’re comfy and easy to wear.

Here’s hoping for a return to enjoying wearing shorts.