
Is this Skyrim Remastered for Wii U? I’m not sure the graphical fidelity of the Wii U is matching up to X1 and PS4.

God dammit, Ubisoft, I appreciate that you’ve found your niche in the conferences, but does that niche have to be “we asked a 14-year-old boy what he thought was cool and funny and our entire conference is built upon his ideas?”

You know what would actually let people Play Without Boundaries tm? Getting rid of console exclusivity. They’ll never do that because exclusive games are basically the only reason that there’s more than one console, but you can’t champion complete play freedom and then show “Xbox One and Windows 10 Exclusive” right

OK, the first I’ve heard of.

Which is fine, though there is the Amazing Technicolor Array of Diversity on the Normandy, so having non-humans on the Main Character Ship of Awesomeness is guaranteed.

I should track down the Extra Credits episode where they posit that big developers should have indie branches, like film studios do. I will say that I’m surprised that EA is the first to do this, but it’s a start.

OK, here’s what I want from the Actual Hype Reel God Dammit: I want to play as a non-human. Woo for humanity and all, but there’s a lot of creative space in the other bipedal races.

Pros of the Hype Reel: A car! On a planet! Maybe with halfway decent physics!

While he is going against NBA regulations with his suggestions, these are not necessarily “awful” tweets. Gilbert Gottfried getting fired as the Aflac duck for tweeting hilariously racist jokes after the Japan tsunami? Those were awful. Justine Sacco making a racist AIDS joke? That was awful. Magic Johnson using the

I don’t get stars that often, so I take what I can get.

We did, on the power of both flying pie-cannon Fred and also the flying pirate ship we had.

Ur-nog is a man/woman of legend.

Aww, I missed the request post. Here we go.

My body is ready. I probably will need to go stock up on Mt. Dew, but I have ham sandwiches and pizza, so I won’t need to leave the house for three days. Bring on the hype.

Holy crap, Leeroy looks good.

No, it didn’t. However, after putting in a call to the BBB, the theater was fined 50 dkp for not knowing wtf to do.

I was going to go watch the movie with my friends, but my friend Leroy went to see it before we could, and it just ruined the whole experience.

In this particular play, James knocked Green over, which wasn’t necessarily bad. However, he then stepped over Green, which you can see at the end of the gif. He had to lift his leg pretty high to do so; it was not the most efficient way to move forward. That is a dick move.

Does anyone have sheep for my wood?

Did you put a slice of bologna in the drive because it looked like it would fit? That’s a common mistake.