
“Rivers of the grape kind”? They should be punished just for that.

They’d all have to be rotoscoped from photos of cosplayers, so it’s as close to the original style as possible.

Not a problem, dude. It’s hard to read a room over the internet.

I warned you about Homestuck, bro.

Really? That wasn’t my intention. There are many things that I choose to believe exist on the internet, but I have no desire to see for myself. Animes about hot garbagemen, Fed-Ex/Amazon slashfic, presidential dick pics, etc.

I categorize this under the large group of “I assume that it exists, and I am so confident, I am not going to Google it to make sure.”

Being an artist is a shit job. You either get lucky and find someone willing to pay you up front, or you produce work on your own dime and time, and hope that someone likes it.

Now, I didn’t put faith in this factoid when I heard it, mostly because I couldn’t back it up, but I think the person who told me that she was working as a prostitute on the side may have been incorrect.

These truly are the faces of evil. You’ve got to be kidding.

Magic has been knocking the art and flavor aspects out of the water recently. You could probably do another article of equal length, and still not be done with Shadows over Innistrad. Here’s a few more incredible pieces. In order: To the Slaughter, Nahiri, the Harbinger, and Anguished Unmaking, which has a sweet altern

Hey, it didn’t snow here today. In fact, the forecast looks very pleasant!

If we start asking nicely now, do you think they would include Squirrel Girl, the most powerful superhero in Marvel Comics?

People would complain if they had a strong female character, and they would complain if they didn’t. People are shit. The best you can do is find the way to make as few people as possible complain. Deal with it.

This is a “prequel”, right? Internet, to my aid!

Yay, we’re useful! It’s just nice to be noticed.

Wait, are people trying to tell the developers of a game what the characters that the developers created should be doing?

Pretty sure that this book is going to be amazing. There is no other multiplayer video game that gives players this much agency over the world they play in.

I fully expect that Xavier Woods after the show was just geeking out both about the Saiyan outfit, but also about getting Stone Cold Stunner’d.

God damn, Liriano. I’m glad to see you kicking ass, but it’d be nice if the Twins could just keep one of these good players that we ship to another team and then they become amazing.

The gameplay looks better than Singularity, which already did the “time manipulation as gameplay element superglue layered over average shooting gameplay”. Not sold on “live-action cutscenes” yet. It’s better than Night Trap, I’m sure.