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Discovered this in the process. Apparently, this guy remixes all the weirdest stuff. The instrumental version is also out there, and the video for that is even better.

Squirrel Girl technically has the most high-profile victories in Marvel Comics. And hangs out with Galactus. Skeert is an understatement.

I have an uncle with the same name as one of the Miracle on Ice players, and we live in Minnesota. Every 4 years when the Winter Olympics comes around, he expects a few calls from local sports reporters or radio stations, asking for an interview. He doesn’t reveal that he’s the wrong person until they ask him

When your bro forgets to say “no homo.”

The reflect and counter damage was different in previous games. I honestly didn’t know that they changed this. I did spend more than a small amount of time in Melee trying to double-Roy counter a full Game and Watch bucket. If memory serves, it was about 250%.

So he is very fun to be around, but when you insist that he’s just not right, he gets all defensive? Oh my God, I figured it out:

“The dipshits are a proud race, whose tradition of honor and respect have survived through the centuries. I am proud to be representing an organization that strives to follow the ideals of the dipshits, and I am insulted that you, sir, would disparage their good name.”

So, Dreamworks’ How to Train Your Pokemon. I’d play that.

As long as it’s not a pachinko machine.

Already have Beach Party Leona. Fighting with a beach umbrella and surfboard is the only way to fight.

We’ve got loud, excited announcers for other eSports. DOTA 2 and LoL casters are so hype, even my mom can understand the excitement. Let’s get them to get good and loud about this game.

We must acquire maximum speed. Someone get a hold of those nerds that got Yi up to 1500 move speed.

Cue MGS4 cutscene quality dialogue.

And this means that I have to remind everyone that the song Bears by Nekrogoblikon exists, is very loud, is difficult to understand, and should have been written about Tibbers.

At least there is multiplayer value to it. *cough cough Dead Space 3 unconvincing cough*

Nintendo has to be a good parent, because all the parents that just bought a Wii U, plopped their kids in front of the TV, then left to go hang out at the spa/bar with their friends? They are not good parents. Nintendo is being responsible.

I have been the Best Buy employee enough to know two things as absolute truth about customers:

I have tried Minnesota Nice (authentic because of my lineage) to angry Canadiens, the hardest people to anger, and it doesn’t always work.

Oh, drive-thru assholes who order things not on the menu. I honestly don’t know what’s worse, people who order unavailable product and insist it exists, or people who order unavailable product, know it doesn’t exist, but act like entitled shits because it’s the only way they know how to be funny.

Of course, this Playboy business would come from a video where the game plays with itself.