
Cue “Baby Come Back” blaring from every boombox in Minnesota.

Nah, they just need to get Hugh Jackman back and put him on every team, like he is in the comics. He’s the Batman of Marvel: always says he hates teams, but he’s a great team player. Wolverine for Avengers 2016.

You want to hear how good the Master Race has it? Saints’ Row 2 will not run if you have multiple monitors. Not “run poorly”. Not run at all. I still think that PC gaming usually gets good benefits. Even Skyrim, which was pretty clearly a port to PC, got the patches and DLC faster than console.

Put your hands together, and up your ass!

If they wore shorter shorts, then people would watch, or so my good pal Sepp tells me.

Lincoln vs. Predator actually sounds like an appropriate sequel to Abe Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.

I had to high-five my brain for remembering that there was a competition for inhaling weiners. Kinda hurt.

That’s what you get for sword fighting, I guess.

She can team up with Squirrel Girl and be the BEST TEAM EVER.

You must have missed the Square Enix press conference, then. Moon Man haunts my dreams to this day.

Oh God, it’s stories about the Sims all over again.

I...I have some intense Incognito Googling to do.

Due to all these new vacancies, I hereby agree to play for the 76ers, on three conditions.

John Oliver loves bringing up the best, uncomfortable topics. And the response he gets is always what you expect: 10-15% people actually discussing it and making informed decisions, and the rest making fart noises with their mouths. He just happened to pick a topic that the douche canoes really, REALLY like making

You cannot ignore his tunnel snake.

Just...fuck, I don’t know. The fuck kind of world are we living in? How the hell do we ever expect to accomplish great things if we can’t handle different skin tones? Geez. Stop the planet; I want to get off.

The Youtube comments are hilarious. The most upvoted comments are from people who do not agree with Anita Sarkessian, who was one of several examples he used; in fact, her sound byte was probably the shortest. And yet there are thousands of people that disagree with Oliver’s message just because he used Anita as an

“Something inconspicuous!”

And then there’s Jinx.