
I used to be a HUGE Gwenabee from the first album - I wrote for AOL newsletters and No Doubt was my first concert, and people in school called me No Doubt Boy - because I’d only wear ND shirts.

Then Rocksteady came out - in which they sold out their unique/co-opted ska sound for more mainstream likability- fine ok.

I think about this at least once a year. Usually it’s when I see her doing a duet with Blake Shelton.

I really like Return of Saturn, Tragic Kingdom, and some of her solo stuff. I always thought “Simple Life” was her wrestling with wanting to settle down with kids or pursue her career. It’s interesting how much cultural appropriation was going on back in those days and not only given a pass but elevated. The bindis,

How this woman transformed herself from cool rock chick to cheeseball TV personality is mind boggling.

I’m at the point where I’m almost hoping Jesus does exist, and comes back to yell at all these so called Christians: What part of love thy neighbor don’t you get? Where did I say anything about transpeople?  Where did I say anything about the United States following biblical law?  Where did I say anything at all about

While I always appreciate your comments, this one was so good I had to go track down one of my old passwords for this:

<<“The court’s insistence that a Christian funeral home must retain a man who was hired to assist and comfort grieving families even though he decided after six years to show up in women’s clothing.>>

That’s what I consider Jesus’ best miracle: Having 12 close friends in his 30s.

I just don’t understand how charmed a person needs to be that this is their thing. Something that doesn’t directly affect them at all, it just makes them uncomfortable. These people just tut-tut-tut to themselves in the face of escalating COVID-19 infections in many states, well past 100,000 deaths, protests and

Not so loving of thy neighbor now, are you?

Isn’t it contrary to Samuel Alito’s views on sodomy for him to have his head so far up his ass?

The massive freakout (which rivals anything I’ve ever seen) is illuminating, and puts to lie the notion that any of this has anything to do with bona fide religious beliefs. This is pure animus against LGBTQ people, nothing more. What else could possibly justify this freakout? What legitimate religious reason could an

You know, if I stole something, got it home and found out it didn’t work the way I wanted, I would STFU.

I just can’t believe she won’t shut up. SHUT UP, JO.

I would never have guessed in a million years that, in terms of the culture wars, liberals would get Nascar and conservatives Harry Potter.

2020, man.

I love when people try to defend segregating bathrooms for the purpose of no one having sex in them. Like, as if only heterosexual people have sex.

Having talked to people like her she’s worried about the CHIIIIIIILDREN! Wont someone think of the children!? What if they transition and regreeeeeeet it!? (despite the astronomically small number who do vs the many people who kill themselves because they can’t transition).

The only problem with calling us on our bullshit right now is that it’d be like antagonizing a toddler holding a loaded sawed off shotgun. They might be first to suffer in a humanitarian crisis here, but they’re also going to be the quickest to suffer if the Trumpster Fire decides to retaliate. He may stand fully

and that’s the key point. It still angers me that no one will say exactly what they think about Trump, in the nastiest and most unequivocal terms possible. But they know what a petty vindictive bitch Trump is, and he has the backing of an entire party which controls 2.5 of the 3 arms of the government, and they have

Yeah; that’s a great point. Or he could have responded with both.