
Speaking of hot dogs, Brady looked great on Sunday.


The top of his head?

But how do I know “Anna Merlan” is real? 🤔

“Break out the Googles!”

Could have at least said Brad Wing.

An elaborate tribute to Ortiz and the ‘04 Yanks.

Brady GaGa?


Jac-throw-by Kissit (the rings)

Destiny, a game that even deaf people can play because you languish in a desparate wasteland devoid of meaning farming for minerals and whatnot...

Writing this as someone who spent the better part of a year in AA before leaving the program: This is both deeply offensive and deeply unfunny.

Hell of a first sentence!

They were paying the equivalent of $2400 a month in rent.

I just want to be hired so I can trade snarky Destiny burns with Jason.

A guy who'll never win the AFC East.

No Dunkaroos?

This is so abhorrent and disgusting. It's getting pretty hard not to hate my gender at this point. I thank my parents on an almost daily basis for the fact that I have always treated everyone with the utmost respect, regardless of race, gender, sexual identity, etc.

I figured they'd send you to McNally Jackson, love Bookcourt though, and congrats!

*immediately googles “how do I fuck? 🤔”*