
“He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man”

Hey dickface. I live in Queens, without a dishwasher.

My wet newspaper is 6.5 inches.

Yeah. I've posted about how sad this is before, as someone new to sobriety. And now I've relapsed as well. So. Life is hell for some.

Aaron Paul should fire his agent, I guess.

As a professional chef in Brooklyn for 10 years, I guess I'm that weirdo, haha.

Wow. As a professional chef who has been recruited for this before, clearly I should have just taken the “$10,000”. Also LOL “reality”’cooking shows.

He’s not a “doped up” hitter, he's a fucking alcoholic, and the rest of his fucking waking life will be a struggle. Christ.

David Tyree. Your hatred, it will taste so good commentariat.

Pardon my rudeness, but are you an idiot?

Boy, this is so irreverent. Jesus.

No, you don't.

You can't possibly begin to understand how devastating addiction is unless you have one.

I recently came to terms with the fact that I will battle addiction to drugs and alcohol for the rest of my days. To "win" requires a lifetime of vigilance. The only thing that helps the canyon of emptiness within me is to talk to other addicts each and every day. I can't even imagine having the money and lifestyle

All future Rose dunks.

After reading many of the comments, I'm beginning to wonder if people will ever realize that Mr. Burneko simply enjoys slapping his readers about the head and face with his glib satire. Why so serious y'all?

Just to be clear, Destiny was immensely helpful in getting me through my first 90 days of sobriety, so it will always have a special place in my heart.

"Great Game, 10/10!"

I was going to post something about the inherent difficulty in regards to variance when using inferential statistics as opposed to descriptive statistics in relation to the 76ers analytics, but given that this is a deadspin comment board I will instead punch myself in the face.

As a professional chef in NYC thats eats a balanced diet of both plants and braised animal parts, these two groups may kindly fuck off.