
Don’t worry, I’m sure plenty of people will photshop him into some of Jensen’s scenes, especially if Jensen’s character follows some of the same story beats from the comic.

wonder if that’s why they did it. Half their shift in a nice warm station filling out paperwork instead of out in the cold.

I’m sure a better question should've been, "are you okay?" considering that they were on a wellness check. 

Why did they even need to know these things, they should have been able to see that walking on the sidewalk was dangerous, and either left him alone or given him a lift.

I’ve said this before but it is worth repeating: No good officer looks for an arrest unless a crime has been committed. For 17 years, I made arrest when I had to (warrant or OFA), the person was a danger to the community, or a crime was committed.  Why?  Because an arrest takes time.  You can blow half your shift

And the proper response to a minor walking in the snow is to arrest him?

Drain denies that race played a role in the arrest, but added “I can’t get inside people’s hearts, I can’t get inside people’s heads.”

Those officers didn’t know his age. They didn’t know he was 18. They didn’t know he worked at Walmart. They didn’t know where he lived.

It’s damn cold here on the Prairies, but I wouldn’t say that it’s the worst winter I’ve ever experienced here. You get used to -30 C after a week or so.

Exactly what was Boreanz supposed to do, anyway? It’s rather hard to say anything in response without it coming across as suggesting that a woman making accusations is insufficient and requires a man endorsing her.

I don’t like it when fans “demand” that some celebrity say something or stand up for their causes. It’s creepy and weird. They don’t owe you that. Also, once you “demand” it, then it becomes performative, even if it’s how they truly feel. 

Yeah I have one of those, too. He likes to tell me stories at 2am. They’re all Very Important.

Breakfast table at the nursing home. One guy says “man, I’m having so much trouble peeing these days, I can’t pee till noon sometimes.” Another guy says “I can’t take a dump in the morning, I have to feel bloated till at least 11.” Third guy says “I don’t have your problems. I take a huge piss at 6 and a great big

You know your kid, I don’t, so I’m sure you’ve got this covered but just in case:

Step 1: If you see a toilet in a dream, always trust it. 

How to Stop Waking Up to Pee

and the last one

I went pretty bare bones on this but my Iowa sources assured me that avocado, jalapeno, and sour cream were acceptable high-class upgrades. 

You’re making me miss Extreme Pizza over here. They had a taco pizza where I think they just replaced the tomato sauce with smooshed black beans. Jalapenos, cilantro, grilled chicken, just perfect for adding fast food hot sauce to. I could probably make my own, but now I want theirs, and the nearest branch is 234