
Unfuck Your Habitat has a similar plan.  Set timer (usually 20 minutes or 45 minutes). Clean anything until the time goes off.  Rest for 10 minutes or 15 minutes.  Repeat.  Has helped me in the past.  Guess it’s time to start again.

MSP has pretty good choices.  Surprised it isn’t in the top 10.  Salt Lake City gave me food poisoning.  So glad I won’t be going back anytime soon.

At first Harley’s character seemed thin.  Ivy has been written wonderfully from the start.  Harley is getting better.  

I prefer stickier rice over granular.  (Euro ancestors)

I love my IP.  But my cheap rice cooker makes better rice.

Not really motivation but I consider my gym time to be as important as my medications.  Even if I do the bare minimum I’ve done something more than nothing.  Podcasts and music help stave off boredom.  Slowly, we’re talking years, there has been progress.

Philistine!  You probably don’t like pineapple on your pizza, either.

Those jokes are standard when referring to that chain. And all of the variants... Like ejac & evac

“They also never explain who maintains the tracks. Or who cleans the snow and ice off the tracks. Or repairs the train (since basic friction and wear would mean that even individual cars would break down periodically). Or where the train is going”

With a little Wolverine vibe.

I decided I’d worry about being “too bulky” with muscle once I got there.  And since I don’t take steroids I’m not concerned that I’ll ever get there.  Clothes lay better over muscle than fat.  So that is my only concern.  More muscle and a better diet.  Slow and steady wins the race.

No one had charisma in Valerian.

I don’t even like green and I would gladly take that green kitchen over the milquetoast blandness of their house.

What is a polite way to tell the lifters not to let their weights drop to the floor that is not designed for weights to be dropped on?  It’s loud, annoying, and the time & cost to replace the floor cuts into everyone’s else’s ability to use the gym.

When it’s really hot here it’s also really humid.  The AC runs to get rid of the humidity more than the heat.  (And when I say humidity I mean that when you step outside the air hits you like a wall and you wish you had gills so you could breathe)

I’ve had it.  It’s mostly meh.  

I exercise during my lunch break (by skipping breaks I can get that magical whole hour).  

Flip & Tumble (  Strong, good size.  Only one strap so I don’t have to fumble to much.  The cotton string mesh bags are easy enough to make if you knit or crochet.  But they don’t stay neat and compact.  Do make the Costco run easier because awkward boxes fit just fine.

“A.I. Artificial Intelligence - Steven Spielberg’s completion of the late Stanley Kubrick’s vision remains one of Spielberg’s most underappreciated films.”

It gets a win just for the garbage eating unicorns.