
I doubt she’s learned her lesson about why there are safety fences around wild animals.

Trying to cancel negative thoughts were how my greatest depression spirals started.  So many memories of sobbing while driving trying to not think badly.  Sometimes you need medication to cancel negative thoughts.

Didn’t do the whole month challenge but did find a few new ways to torture my abs. Stability balls are the devil.  Yes, there is soreness.  The new core work out I hate is shoveling snow.  Every other day is another snow emergency and that requires shoveling.  ow.  ow. ow.  I’m old.

Never discount the power of the people behind a candidate.  In a very direct way she will have more power to bring in marginalized people into the political field.

It’s exactly what I need.  A stripped down commuter car.  I miss my Geo Metro something fierce.

I have lived in the midwest all of my life.  Frost quakes are new! 

Pro tip: Unless you are dressed like an astronaut the wind chills today will cause frostbite in five minutes.

I’d rewatch for the costuming eye candy alone.  Let alone the fact that its a fun movie.

I need this kind of checklist for myself.

Sioux City Sarsaparilla is divine.

All the stars for Dandelion and Burdock!

I hope it does well.  I won’t be watching.  Something about Ruby Rose annoys me.  

Whoa. I feel a tiny better because my rice maker is over 10 years old.  It still makes great rice.  Now I need to try it out in my IP.

Because she was angry that his stupid trick caused the death of their two children?  By holding the bowl to catch the venom she could make him beg.  And when she had to go empty the bowl?  How long would it take?  Pure torture.

Think I’ll add body measurements as a monthly thing. Going to keep working on core and upper body weights. Will add one day a week on the treadmill through spring (depends on how busy the gym gets).  Nearly the same thing as last year.  Which I am happy with.  I’ve been slowly building muscle.  The challenges are fun

“Guys who comfortably have friendships with the gender they prefer to fuck.”

Keeping off weight.  Losing slower than I had planned.  Putting on more muscle than I’ve ever had.  Feeling good about this year’s progress.  Plenty of room for improvement in my physical health.  Looking forward to 2019's progress.  Think I’m up for a 5k or the Bix Run in late July.

My bench press month was minimal.  For the yoga 2 goals.  A short destress set (about 15 minutes) and a longer set that will emphasize my core.  Legs are fine.  Need to concentrate on exercise that works my core, arms, and hips, in that order.

Honestly, most of us will recognize common typos.  Easy enough to type a question back for verification