
Alright cool - I’m just tired of women in Europe being silenced after they are assaulted and being called Islamophobic for not putting up with that shit. My female 19 year old cousin was called a whore in Manchester, England because she was not covered in a Hijab. I have always been pro-Islam, I believe Linda Sarsour

I didn’t say I don’t believe those women: I said what will the OTHER parties do for social education of these refugees? There is going to be a culture shock (both ways) between the Europeans and the immigrant populations. Motivate the people you did vote for to plan for this issue proactively to stop more rather than

I’ve been to one of her shows and while I love the concept as an idea.....the execution is often awkward as fuck and she threatened to stop performing and made shooing gestures at a young Black man standing a bit behind me and to my left (I was in the front).

She did actually. She refused to continue the show until a white volunteer photographer moved to the back, and called her out explicitly on the microphone, according to the linked article.

Well, that’s a whole other issue. I cynically suspect that she’s pulling this crap to get attention.

Why would white people, or anyone for that matter, want to listen to her “music”? I just listened to two of what I guess were songs on Youtube. Dreck.

It’s especially silly to me that she got all upset about the photographer, who volunteered her valuable time at the concert, not wanting to move to the back, where she wouldn’t be able to take the photos she was asked to take. I mean really? Come on!

It literally doesn’t matter if you hate the “If a white guy did it, then...” line of reasoning. Because, when white people have been taught to walk on egg shells and to do everything possible to avoid making decisions and judgement calls based on race or it would be considered racism, white people are going to react

Actually, yes. They can. Anybody can be a racist. If you categorize and make assumptions about people based only on their skin color, then you’re a racist.

She’s an asshole, plain and simple. Any considerate artist would have mentioned BEFOREHAND something like: “During my show I am going to ask WOC to come to the front. Please consider this when buying your ticket.”

Unfortunately, when you make it about skin color it becomes racist and kills the original intent.

^^What VeggieTart said. I mean, I doubt I’d be in line for any artist with a reputation for doing things like this, but if I got to the venue at noon to guarantee my front row spot at a show starting at 9, you’re gonna need handcuffs and a very strong bouncer to get me away from that rail.

She said it herself... did you miss this?

Jesus... this is ridiculous... she’s using her concerts as a damn social experiment?

By announcing that from the stage, she’s creating a huge amount of peer pressure on both sides.

The story says she was calling out WOC who weren’t moving fast enough or happily enough for her liking.

Actually, this isn’t true.

I’m assuming this is a Gen Admin show. Even so, if I spent hours waiting in line so I could get a good seat, I’d be pretty pissed if someone told me to go to the back of the room. And if someone paid for more expensive seats up front, telling them to move to the back is so not cool.

I have questions...and issues.

I am old and over being in a crush at a show. Place to sit and enjoy, please and thank you.