
Tucker hardly said anything new. Who in this world DOESN’T know that many countries are either partial shit holes ( we’re looking at YOU, America) or complete shit holes (China, for example)? Tucker set up an argument that NOBODY disagrees with in order to dismiss Trump’s ignorance, racism, sexism and utter lack of

W already have a hunger games going for immigrants. No need to create one.

Immigrants from shitholes get it done. They run rings around Americans. Almost every small business in my neighbors is run by immigrants. They are astounded that Americans have no respect for their parents, their elders, their teachers, etc. Your kids won’t go to school and work hard? And education through high school

Haiti paid the equivalent of 21 billion dollars to France over 180 years to unenslave themselves. Imagine if that illegal random had been available to Haitians unstead of being stolen by the French. This cost does not include the random paid to the US.

I have a friend teaching mathematics. She has a basket on her desk where all phones are deposited. She then counts the number in the class and counts the phones. If they do NOT match, she repeats the process. Anyone caught with a phone is assumed to be cheating and is dismissed. The effort spent on cheating is

Children being hit by the people who should love and care for them most is a sickness. Slapping, yanking, swatting and using a belt are child abuse. Don’t have children if you think you must resort to physical violence when YOU are angry. No child deserves to be hit. No child.

“I do exactly as I want, thumb my nose at you and your orders, and make my fellow citizens uncomfortable flying a symbol of hate and treason. Please send $20,000 check ASAP”.

Good one!

Philandro’s mother took it upon herself to visit Justine’s fiance after the shooting. When I see that, I realize black people have a well of empathy that is as deep as the ocean. We make the effort. We bring the cookies. We send the cards. We make sure her family is ok and knows we care.

I’m telling you. Visual closure. He already had a response based in the first paragraph and dismissed every word after.

OJ? Really?! OJ?

Seriously, go away.

Your response is known as visual and auditory closure. Obviously, you cannot hear or see what doesn’t fit your feelings or thoughts exactly.

The biggest difference was the presence of a child in the vehicle who apparently did not warrant consideration because if she were killed during this abomination, it’s just another invisible black. Buried. Forgotten.

Oh! We read it! We get it! If only black folks could read. If only they were educated in reading comprehension. If only.. If only.. If only.. THEN and only then will I open my heart of darkness and dole out a sliver of empathy for those people. Not too much. Just enough to let them know that I’m on their side... But

Your statement proves the point exactly. There was no”gun in play”. Stop white-splaining. We’ve heard it all. We know EXACTLY how you feel. We know EXACTLY what you’ll say. Just stop! It’s hurtful, mean-spirited and does not advance the argument as you assume it does. You are neither clever nor are you original. This

There appears to be a plethora of evil folks needing a special place in Hell. Satan is going to have to expand his real estate holdings. Seems like that portion of Hell is filling mighty fast.

Freakishly large 15-year-olds are still kids. How unkind of you. And why D1 ball?

I reread it. Your point?

Fifteen-year-olds have been children for 150 years in this country. Say you don’t like teens but don’t pretend they are somehow grown adults. Don’t be naive.