
That was a LOT of excuses! I, for one, am exhausted.

Am I the only one who dumped the BET Awards?

The article and the headline told you the exact premise of the essay. Also embedded within the article is the story as originally reported. I fear you misunderstood both articles. I knew what the theme would be and read the article first and then read the original report. I conflated the two in my mind which gave me

It is standard operating procedure to gun down people in an apartment where children are present if, and only if, the children are persons of color. Black is preferred. However, most jurisdictions will gun down persons of Hispanic descent if black people are in short supply.

I like that you pivot and it’s all about you. The cops are pervs. I imagine they would be the same guys who receive blowjobs from the working girls in exchange for looking the other way.

That’s HILARIOUS! Dude. Popcorn! Lord of popcorn!!

Bet she’s going for the Jackie persona. Sheath dresses. Narrow trousers. Sensible flats when out in the streets of New York trying so hard to avoid the hurly-burly of the real world.