
If you see a Cyborg “cry” it means it’s leaking. Bring it in for servicing immediately!

Right, yes. Our bodies have ways of shutting things down.

Is this one of those situations where a woman can just decide not to get pregnant, like she can decide not to get raped?

I don’t know, I’m kind of uncomfortable making his sisters a part of an Internet meme, even if it is to make fun of him for being a hypocritical asshole. They’re victims of childhood sexual abuse in a cult that has told them from birth that they are worthless because of their gender.

I mean, the word ‘witness’ is in there at least that many times.

“more than one hundred pages of alibi documents”

LOL. I shouldn’t have even gone with the Zombie reference as sooner or later Zombie experts would contradict me. Should I have chosen “Cyborg” instead?

this is basically what’s happening at every company. old white men who know nothing telling everyone dumb things to do.

As someone in PR, I would LOVE to meet the person running the Bratz PR. I hope it’s an old white man who is almost always confused.

Just say Nona to drugs. Nevra do them. Especially not Roxxies. Or Krysta. You Nevaeh want to be known as “that” Kina girl.

For some reason*, when I read the headline I was thinking some British teens made instagram accounts for the characters and I was like “omg I want to follow Blair on IG!” Really disappointed to find out this is not the case.

I love her and I will not make fun of her tweets for a full year.

“their place of fitness” I'm going to start referring to everything like this. The Mexican restaurant is now my place of tacos.

Typical. “Well, she consented to have sex with THAT guy, so we thought....”

I undid Molly’s braids.

Are they really only $115?

Better get to the tanning booth or else all you’re going to be able to produce is a pale ale

IPA stands for “I Pee Alcohol”?

I know small batch breweries are all the rage these days but this is taking it a bit too far.