
Here’s the thing that people who didn’t live through this time frame don’t understand: the amount of mind-altering, memory-erasing drugs people did then are staggering. Staggering.

Wow, that seems pretty heavy handed. I wonder if it would stand up to a constitutional challenge under the establishment clause.

The Eureka cafe is such an appropriate name for this. As I sit here sipping my maple leaf (maple syrup, lemon, bourbon...soooo good), I raise a glass to Neversink and all of its drunk residents.

I had always chided Washington state for having liquor store-only sales of hard A until 2013, and look at this, half of America is still that town from Footloose.

How do you keep a beach closed?

It actually did sink. I only know this because my boyfriend’s family is from that area. They built a reservoir over the town, then moved it.

Well thank goodness it was your wallet, otherwise that’d be embarrassing to have to show a security guard.

God, that’s kind of sad. I understand why they’re doing it but it’s sad just the same. I was in Disneyworld in October and never once did I feel unsafe or even think about the implications that someone would bust in with a gun or a bomb. Sitting at home now I realize how incredible naive that is of me. Damn.

Why? Because he wasn’t Christian? He was at a work party. If this was a white christian dude people would automatically assume it was work place related, but because he’s from Saudi Arabia you assume it’s religious fanaticism even though there’s nothing at all to indicate that?

“and then saddle her with the legacy of your heinous acts.”

This made me snort and now I feel guilty.

my point is that it’s dangerous and unfair to immediately assume religious extremism. this only adds to the vicious cycle of xenophobia that we have in this country.

Chief Jarrod Burguan of the San Bernardino Police Department said he suspected, obviously, that there was some level of planning prior to the attack: “I don’t think they just ran home and put on these tactical clothes.”

There was a “dispute,”

No. Religion is about peace and love and life. This is fanaticism.

Yeah, it's a horrible enough tragedy to have a parent killed in a mass shooting, but even crazier to find out both your parents were mass murderers when you were only six months old. I hope they can change her name and raise her far away from all of this, but the truth has to come out eventually...

Well, I certainly don’t approve of what they did but you know, Republicans are always saying they want immigrants to really embrace the American way of life.

Cannot comprehend what sort of motive makes you leave your infant daughter with her grandmother and then saddle her with the legacy of your heinous acts.

So here’s a thought, we live in a society that lets people own bears right? And ANYONE can get a bear easily and cheaply. I understand that some people can safely own bears, but keeping bears around kids and people who don’t know how to care for bears is a bad idea. However people keep saying that our violent bear