$50-60k for a Civic is appropriate? lol...
$50-60k for a Civic is appropriate? lol...
Fake. Fake. Fake.
Looks like she’s holding a phone in her right hand. Might have earbuds in listening to music.
Ugh, this makes me so sad that Irwindale is closing because now I have nowhere else to go for something like this.
I worked short-track asphalt racing for years until I decided to move on. Other than Lemons, racing doesn’t get much closer to its roots than life on these disappearing banked ovals.
Goddamn do you people know how to hate!
I’m really happy for you Porsche and I’ma let you finish but the BMW Individual M760Li xDrive Model V12 Excellence THE NEXT 100 YEARS had the longest name of all time.
I still feel the original “the pass” should have warranted a penalty of sorts and not ended up getting the win. If you have to go all 4 wheels off track to make the pass, it’s not legitimate pass.
These days, at least this year, a US Navy Ship returning to home port under her own power and not having rammed another ship or ran aground is enough to fly a “Mission Successful” banner....
David Tracy will from now on be dubbed “Captain Maths”. He’s Jalopnik’s resident James May.
So; he’s willing to accept something south of 4500...but not as far south as 3500.
Why doesn’t he just list the price he wants and say “non-negotiable”. If you don’t want low-ball offers, you just say: “$4000 Firm, non-negotiable” and be done with it. If you say “negotiable” in a private car-sale, all anyone reads…
The best stock wing
I saw it on a t-shirt somewhere... “Money doesn’t buy happiness, but money buys horsepower and horsepower equals happiness.”
Again with the lie “Money does not buy happiness”, yes it does, or at least enables it.
i’m looking at those seats trying to figure out how much of my ass I’d have to have surgically removed to fit into one.
Later, at a bar:
Range issues are pretty much a non-factor if you’re an average car owner once the EV can do 150-200 miles on a charge. Most people don’t go 200 miles in a day or probably in most weeks. Many people also already own two cars, if they need to take a longer trip, they can take the ICE car. Or renting a car for a road…
The residents were pissed, and petitioned the Board of Supervisors to nullify the sale. One resident explained to The San Francisco Chronicle the shock that they, the city’s wealthy, could be so rudely taken advantage of
Miata illegally passes over a double yellow on blind turns and almost causes a head on collision? Maybe that’s what was wrong with it? I dunno though, I’m just a human being with eyes.
and this is why co drivers are the true heroes of rallying... coz i guarantee you if you put me in the passenger seat with anyone driving like that the pacenotes would be all over the car after 3 turns and i’d be alternating between giggling madly and shitting myself...