Yes, because this is a website about CARS and this story highlights how she used her CAR and her MANUAL TRANSMISSION to escape.
Yes, because this is a website about CARS and this story highlights how she used her CAR and her MANUAL TRANSMISSION to escape.
Completely agree with you. Maybe we should meet.
I flew it perfectly into the bathroom, was in the process of putting it on auto-hover, it hit the hand towel rack and flew forward into the mirror that hangs and isn’t screwed to the wall.
Friend of mine tried to fly his Phantom 4 in his loft. Went through the (closed) window and crashed three flights to the street. Amazingly it survived. Just needed couple new blades. Those things are pretty damn tough. Also he’s a pretty crap pilot.
Reminds me of the time I crashed the Phantom into the bathroom mirror. I was trying to get a cool shot of itself floating while on autopilot. Fiancee was pretty pissed to the point of taking pictures holding my hatchet next to the Phantom and sending them to me while I was at work.
COTD “Why don’t one of you morons just drive the car?”
I am a Raptor driving, motorcycle riding, gun loving, hunting, fishing, former Marine.
Also its probably not good to roal-coal all over that great undisturbed nature.
EVs are great at low speeds, and dont forget, that for every rise in elevation, theres a decline.
CT5, CT6, ATS, CTS, XTS....goddammit, I want the old names back. Gimme a Deville, Seville, Eldorado, Fleetwood, Talisman, even a Catera instead of this alphabet soup nonsense. Find this ONE WAY not to ape the Germans and I’d respect Cadillac a lot more.
A Merlin Purple RS6 is high on my “If I win the Powerball” list.
I’m sorry, but a 79 year old woman intentionally going 147 in a Boxster shouldn’t be given a fine OR a ban. She should be given a medal, because she’s clearly a goddamn global hero.
Poor Baxter.
Yeah, you’re right. I was just looking for an excuse to post that video.
Such a fascinating swap and a nice paint job... all ruined by being slammed/stanced/whatever.
Came here for pictures of trunk being open, realised fast back doesn’t mean hatchback, left disappointed and confused.
Good for Death. He needs a side-project.
Something something headgasket joke.
You can eat off of any engine bay if you’re just less picky about things.