season-ticket holders who reneged on their season ticket contracts once it became clear the Marlins were not going to uphold their promises of perks including free parking and VIP entrances at their new ballpark—let alone field a watchable team
season-ticket holders who reneged on their season ticket contracts once it became clear the Marlins were not going to uphold their promises of perks including free parking and VIP entrances at their new ballpark—let alone field a watchable team
Auto sales has no place for you and your math skills. :D
If you amortize the amount due at signing over the 24 month term, plus the taxes (7% of new car value here in GA), this is a $550/mo lease. $0.66 per mile, plus gas and insurance. Not a very good deal.
Nice PIT. LOL. I’d like to ask that people take notice of one thing besides the obvious here...notice how that entire car disappears below the hoodline of the semi filming this, before it even gets hit by him? Yeah...that’s what you look like when you chop back in front of a big truck. You are either a roof, or…
I wouldn’t have thought grandmas were a target demographic for Raptors.
That’s a great idea. I will certainly consider adding info like that in future posts.
I appreciate the good work you are doing with these articles. They are very well done. If you have time when you do the next one can you add a short breakdown of how difficult the operations are (easy/medium/hard), the level of mechanical aptitude required (low/medium/high), and specialized tools (if any)?
Obviously that is when you ring the bell to notify your butler to fetch the stableboy and hitch a team of manservants to the front, then crack the whip and yell “mush!”
That’s if you drive them flat-out. We’ll have a detuned mode for street travel. But I’m not saying engine rebuilds won’t be common. No one said this was cheap.
Forget parallel parking, make it for parking period. The next a-hole who parks over the line by me is getting the side of a door slammed into their new crossover!
Parallel parking was definitely not on the driving test when I took it
That didn’t seem to go According to plan.
The Bolt definitely doesn’t have an “obvious advantage” from a standstill like you say, as the video clearly shows it was down to driver reaction time. If anything, the GTI got the better launch, but lost time during the gear change.
That was my first thought when I saw the photo. No way this kid is 1.
I just described all of us.
I’m 44. You just described me.
Yep. At 1 my kid was a drooly, teething bitey, poop machine.
That is Adorable, but that kid is not 1 year old.
Yeah, manuals are more fun and nuanced, and cheaper/easier from a cost POV, but for a racecar the decision should be pretty easy.
Not sure why anyone thinks manual is faster anymore. Dual clutch will always outperform it.