The detail that you are Steve are missing is that the 1.5t sport hatch manual only comes in touring this gen, so its a 29k car. Last gen you could get the 1.5t with manual in just sport for 23k.
The detail that you are Steve are missing is that the 1.5t sport hatch manual only comes in touring this gen, so its a 29k car. Last gen you could get the 1.5t with manual in just sport for 23k.
This is weird, because the regular sport has 6 color options...
After the dominant performance of the Civic HB sport at the SCCA Nationals this year (HS), I was looking forward to picking up this new version. But unlike the previous gen where you just needed the Sport to get the 1.5t, you are now stuck with a 30k car that has a sunroof (weight up high), so this is off the menu for…
Wow... So I have owned a few Corvettes (heavily modified), a few camaro, raced dirt track, done multiple 24 hour races on road courses (VIR in an LS swapped Camaro was fun), etc. While I love me a RWD monster V8, I can also appreciate a good FWD car.
Sounds like your in the exact same situation as me, looking to replace my FiST, but still have occasional kid duty to think about. This adds to my watch list along with the SI/Sport/GTI/GR Yaris (Corolla)/Nissan Z/BRZ/86/1LE watch list...those last few being 2 doors are pipe dreams...
Gamercat is spot on, easier with kids. In the old days, they couldn’t/didn’t design cars to look good in 4 doors, so people bought the 2 doors. These days if there is a 2 door, its almost the exact same car as the 4d just with a longer door. So the market share grows exponentially if its a 4 door while only loosing a…
Im sure there are scenarios where the Golf is better, but since he mentions AutoX’ing, the Civic SI is the current GS class champion, representing 9 of the top 10 cars. #8 is a GTI, but since the SI has a power deficiency, the SI’s dominance isnt due to its stronger motor, leading one to conclude its the way its…
Your sort of comparing apples to oranges and then drawing a conclusions. Ignore the Rimac, and only look at the Plaid. It weighs X, now subtract some length from it, and the extra seats in the back, and a few other things. X-Y now = Roadster> its not going to be significant, maybe only 100-200 lbs, but it will be…
Yes, we all have experienced Teslas product launch timing and know actual release dates are like reading tea leaves.
As impressive as the Rimac is, it is stunning how fast the Plaid is in comparison. 1 is a multi million dollar hyper car the other is a family sedan. The Plaid power train in the up-coming sports car is going to be crazy, probably just a small step behind the Rimac for 1/10th the price.
Besides the SCCA Tour races, my big car outing will be SCCA Nationals, in Lincoln Nebraska. Just you and 1300 fellow Autocross addict’s running around on one of the largest slabs of concrete you will ever see.
From some of the comments I am seeing “thats a lot of hours!” but most of the list can be done 1 job at a time.
Wow your making over $200 an hour!!! As an engineering I’m jealous, I would love to be pulling down 400k +per year.
I 100% agree:
I have well over 100k miles of driving experience on a sheet of ice and snow, not to mention many years racing dirt track, so I too know a thing or two about it driving in slippery conditions.
I am not arguing against winter tires, or saying that this technique is more important then any other winter preparedness steps (winter tires, driving to the conditions, etc). I am saying to not discount a driver skill just because if everything is exactly correct, you shouldn’t need it. A skill is a skill, more =…
So I shouldn’t have this knowledge in my back pocket for a time when I move to a climate that DOES have regular snow? Or go up to the mountain a couple times a year? Skills are skills, and I will absorb all that I can so I am better prepared to deal with any situation I may face on the the road.
I love when people cant calmly discuss the point being made so they move to personal insults.
I do not disagree with you, I am 100% in agreement, MOST PEOPLE are better off having winter tires and driving carefully.
And your missing the bigger point. This is potentially another tool in the tool box. Is it for everyone? nope. Should everyone start using it immediately? Nope. But there are those that could benefit from it, if your not one of them, then move on without commet. Your statements are obvious, yes always drive to the…
Yeah, just drive to the conditions, then you never have to know how to do an manage an emergency braking situation, lane change, manage a sliding car, or any other # of emergency situations. Every single accident on earth is caused by people just not driving to the conditions!