For major overhauls, yes the new car will be worth more then the old car, but you should save WAY more on the inital purchase then re-couping at the end. So save 5-8k on the purchase, while loosing 2-3k on the re-sale.
For major overhauls, yes the new car will be worth more then the old car, but you should save WAY more on the inital purchase then re-couping at the end. So save 5-8k on the purchase, while loosing 2-3k on the re-sale.
Is he saying no 3rd party inspection or is he saying “no we won’t drive our car across town, sit around and wait, and drive it back”
1) not my point, my point is you have to be at 1 hand at various stages on a lap, so 1 hand isn’t inherently going to cause everyone to die.
Wow great that you only teach people that drive autos then!
Never about being “cool”, my other hand is on the shifter. Ever seen a well executed heal and toe down shift? How many hands were on the wheel? ;-)
I use to race on dirt tracks, think drifting but 20 cars trying to get ahead of you at the same time, 1 hand, other hand bracing myself against the role cage! ;-)
Why would I want that? Not just driving around town, but I race, endurance racing, autocross, etc, I RARELY have 2 hands on the wheel.
No, just no. Maybe if you take one bad picture you get thrown into a wall at 140mph, then it would be just as grueling.
Lets be clear, I did NOT spin out, I just went sideways, corrected it, and went on my way. While a suspension updates may have lessened that experience, to completely correct it would have made the car boring. Its a slippery road, if you cant kick the tail out, whats the point?
And its been 22 years, but pretty sure…
I worked at a shop in HS/early College and did a tune up on one of these. When I was done I took it for a spin around our testing loop that we took all cars on to confirm everything was working as it should....on a wet fall Oregon day. Geting off the highway onto the country road around a tight right 120deg corner I…
The way it kept pace with that Camaro (sounds like an SS), i bet it would win on the straights and do no worse then match around the twisty bits.
Like all the other peoples response, yes it is. A different perspective, I have a Fusion Energi, when I use the 87hp electric motor only, I easily outpace normal driving traffic around town. And thats in a much heavier car (~400lbs)
Well if you put a rear facing behind the passanger seat, and your significant other is under 5' it would work....
I was looking at the FOST when starting to have kids, and quickly decided it wont work due to rear facing car seats. Ended up getting a Fusion Energi for practical commuting, and a C4 corvette for fun.
WOW good eye!
So your not a “real American” then.
Are you saying all real Americans are morons?
Who said I wasn’t bored, I just have a wife who is all “Save for the future, get the kids through college, retire at a reasonable age” and other garbage like that. ;-)
What do I want to know? Can you swing by so I can load my kids and car seats in it to see how everything fits? Can take you out for for food trucks while your here instead of some UN-authentic fancy lunch Subaru would provide... (I assume you are in Portland area).
look at Autotrader, there are hundreds, this is just the cheapest on the list. So 15.5k may not be reachable. Every area of the country has them in this price range.
I use to keep my cars till 200ish, but since I put so few miles on my cars now (1.5 miles to work), 100k is 10-15 years. =\