Or NEW for 15.5k..
Or NEW for 15.5k..
Completely agree, love the car. But for 15.5k can buy NEW, so why spend 13k on used?
Im right there, I want the Fiesta, but I think its to small (with my 2 kids), so look at the Focus ST, but then the GTI is right there. BUT its a VW with expensive repair/maintenance and poor reliability...
I love this car, and 13k is getting CHEAP, but NEW ones can be had for 15.5k, so why go USED?
New ones are going for 15.5k...
The last few times I have been, I have been shocked how good the people are, they are compitent, easy to work with and very fast. Its all the OTHER people, that don’t have their stuff together that slow things up. Yes 1-3 hours waits, but I can’t blame the workers.
For once 5 reasonable and different suggestions, great work!
But I guess its easy when you have 200k to play with..
For once 5 resonable and different suggestions, great work!
But I guess its easy when you have 200k to play with..
exactly my thought, “wow look at that engine bay NP!, oh wow look at that wire mess, what else is ratty like that”
Yes for sure (maintenance cheaper then depreciation), but even if I could afford the 5-10k in depreciation per year, I don’t think I would, wanting to put that money toward savings for kids/college/retirement/race cars... maybe race cars should be first on that list...
Man where are you getting affordable warranties on 20 year old cars? Cause that’s how old they need to be for me to afford them. ;-)
but then you need used luxury car maintenance money. =\
One of the best COTD I have seen, probably because its so relate able...
Yeah when will it be depreciated enough for me to afford it (20-30k)? And at that point, would I want to own it (from a maintenance/reliability standpoint)
The RC crowd is difficult, usually very macho acting, and not open and inviting, so yeah I can see how being a female only makes it worse. Our track is very friendly, open and inviting, why I keep going back. But that’s also Portland....
look for an astro turf off-road track, its like racing on-road (lots of traction, all about the line), but you add in jumps so just more challenging and fun.
Yeah for racing, nitro, and especially on-road is all but dead. There are still clubs running 1/8th nitro, but with who good lipo’s and brushless setups are these days the cost/complexity of nitro is all but pointless.
I know the feeling, I really only enjoy RC if its with others, so instead of “bashing” all I ever do is go to organized tracks and race. Look around your area for a track, and check out the scene. I actually am more nervous and full of jitters during an RC race, then in a REAL race with 50 other cars on the track.
As a long time RC racer (and real racer), I instanly thought “what the, this isn’t relevant”, but after looking through it, your absolutely correct. Great work, and great way to present the information also!
While I do love me some torque (c4 with 383 stroker motor), HP without torque is just a different driving experience. Like a crotch rocket versus a Harley.