
Sounds like its time for an S2000 with a super charger to me. ;-)

Coupe? Means you dont have kids or are a sadist... So if you dont have kids, why not MORE fun (miata/Camaro), and if you DO have kids then I have no more words for you...

First off, I am thrilled to see a cop thinking of traffic and doing something about it.

May I say just a word to those of you who are struggling against this evil. Always be sure that you struggle with Christian methods and Christian weapons. Never succumb to the temptation of becoming bitter. As you press on for justice, be sure to move with dignity and discipline, using only the weapon of love. Let

What recorded this? Was it a good camera with good mic? I know I took some video of my car idling with my Iphone 7, car sounded amazingly bad, had none of the bass that was present in real life.

If that’s what he is saying, why bother commenting? Just go “oh that’s cool, but I can’t afford it” and move on. The comment seems to be pointing at “This is unattainable so it shouldn’t even be reported on here”.

I have been in these in Japan and Singapore, best thing ever, they really need to come to US, where of course no one will buy them. =(

There are plenty of 47k C7s on Autotrader right now, after then 12k ish discount

Why are you even here?

100% agree - based on the cost of the parts alone. Price of components is maybe 5-10k.

As a C4 owner that votes NP on most everything (hey ones mans trash is another mans treasure, its good to be different!).
Even I vote CP on this one! C4 owners seem to think their cars are something special and rare when there are 100s of thousands out there. Yes this is a Callaway... but its still a C4 with all its

No you posted a hate filled comment ”When is this going to literally die off?”

Times this by 3-4 when you have a family with kids. You stop for the bathroom, for 1 kid, then 10 minutes later the other needs to go, even though for the 10 mintues you were stopped you were saying “Are you sure you dont have to go, lets just check to be sure, are you sure” and its no no no no.

Just like every other depreciating asset..

Wow.... she must have grown up with a LOT of money to be completely detached from the value of things.

Look at the stats 444k of the 520k sales were towables, i.e. trailers. The biggest boom in sales is coming from people like me who have small kids and see the advantage of having all your camping stuff nicely packed and ready to go. So on a friday after work, toss the kids in and go camping, not spend 4 hours getting

I have a fairly high maintenance wife, not in this spending aspect, she is very frugal, but I can understand. You can just say “um no, we are not staying at the Ritz, we can stay at a Hilton” “no we do not need to go to the Michelin star restaurant EVERY night, there is local culture to explore”

Every RV is like a new car model, the first ones always have bugs that need worked out, so you should NEVER buy a new RV, get one 2-3 years old, that has had the 30 visits to the shop to fix everything, then get it for half what they paid.

Spoken like a city kid who never took a road trip. Yeah if you are single/or DINK then why not fly everywhere, but for those of us with kids the time/cost to take a trip with 4-5 plane tickets, rental car, a couple hotel rooms, eating every meal out (since you dont have a kitchen to cook in),etc, it all adds up.
So as

If your buying a motor home to live in full time (in a single location), then yes just do a tiny house. Im just guessing, but 90% of people that buy RVs (especially new ones) are not living in it, and if they are living in it, they are moving around to see different areas.