Your giving her way to much credit.
Your giving her way to much credit.
Because they work, my wife really wants to buy a Subaru due to their commercial. If Subaru has a car that fits her needs when its time to replace here Acura, she will gladly buy it...
I have known people like this, they get a grand idea and its absolutly their head. “look at the amazing precision of all the tubing” I see a bunch of tubing with really crappy welds on it. Figureing out if you actually can get 2 engines bolted together before you build an entire car around them is where…
44oz Soda, all in my lap. Ok I didnt spill it, the drive thru HS girl didnt get the lid on, so when I grabbed it boom.
The kicker was I was an hour plus away form home, so had to drive that entire way in a pool of cold sticky soda...
at 80 miles, I would save the trunk space and weight and get a Fusion Hybrid, your not getting enough use out of the battery to justify it. BUT used the Energi’s are sometimes cheaper then they hybrid sooo why not.
Thats what I was figuring but didnt want to assume...
Buy a used one. I got mine NEW 10k off MSRP, but these days you can get a 2013/2014 Energi for about $15k.
Yes looks like the same powertrain as the normal Energi.
I assume this is just a joke, but in case not, the battery is in the trunk, sooo this wouldnt be the battery burning. Not sure this is even an Energi or not.
Don’t those huge Cigar boats make upwards of 5k hp all the time?
Well as former 05 TL owner I can’t disagree. ;-)
I also shopped for a 06 Legacy GT wagon, but prices in my parts were still way to high for what is a very small car.
I guess thats the problem, we all want cars to be Ferraris and Lamborgini’s and are dispointed when they are not.
They tail end is actually fairly interesting as well, and the side profile is not small box on top of bigger box, has a shape, even if it is fairly played out these days.
Like i asked Margin of Error, what Sedan looks good to you (not Luxury expensive) but standard sedan?
Funny, I think the 6 is the best looking Sedan in its class followed by the Fusion. Drakkon spells it out very well below so I won’t go into that.
COTD - well said
TL;DR - Basically any car can be made faster then most production cars, when you build it to be singularly focused on going fast around a race track.
Wow so much hate for Epicurean. Im with you, I think they are great. And dulling knives? Thats part of the process to re-sharpen! Though after 9 years board still working great, knives (Shun) still great.
Wow so much hate for Epicurean. Im with you, I think they are great. And dulling knives? Thats part of the process…
I KNOW, people working together to let faster traffic get by quickly (and mostly safely), crazy!
At 186mph, you dont have to worry about someone rear ending you...