Good thing this was in Portland, OR, the Cop would have shot the thing 4 times...
Good thing this was in Portland, OR, the Cop would have shot the thing 4 times...
New also, but how hard would have been to have you know a picture to go with the store “see this picture/diagram for the correct way”.
This guy is completely missing the point...
Actually.... regardless of safety devices, most people (I know of) carry with a round chambered.
How many days/weeks/months have you been using it? None? Then how do you know?
And your the kind of guy I want to meet.
But you have to admit, there are plenty of close-minded people that would instantly dis-regard this because it doesn’t have a V8.
Yep exactly, this is not the right vehicle for you then.
Yeah its a tiny battery and 5-10 minutes, but again it recharges in 15-20 min.
Coming from racing RC cars (trucks/buggies/sedans) for 4-5 min races, anything over 10 minutes seems like a really long time to me.
They make a version of this micro that has a camera on it! So fly it FPV around your place.
ha, I have one of these. I got it after flying a much bigger drone in the house, breaking something of my wifes and having her ban me from flying it in the house!
These things work great, for something so small they are really easy to control.
Exactly, it may not have the full 200 miles off-road, but 200 mile off-road treks are not very normal, 40-50 miles, drive out, goof around drive back is likely far more common.
This is part of a show of American made products, one from each state was chosen. I only know about it because our company’s product line is on display.
Wow so much hate from lots responding to you. Your point is valid. Are truckers always right? Nope, but cars are not always right either. Not sure why so many people are raging against you.
Um... this video is from Australia...we don’t drive on the left side of the road...
I agree in this singular example, especially with these results, that the failed swerve was a bad call. But as a general driving rule, always swerving is bad? I have swerved hundreds to thousands of times (including race track) and avoided a lot of accidents.
How is “Swearving to avoid something” an example of bad driving? Yes this was done terriably (ok everything about this driver is terriable), as he didn’t have his escape route properly planned, but not hitting things is a good rule of thumb in my book
Its not a requirement in Oregon (as well as a lot of states). There are lots of places in the country where people just never have to parrell park, its mostly a big city thing.
I say that, but I agree, this is ridiculous, learn how to manage your vehicle, or dont drive! This and thousand other reasons why driver-less…
I was going to say “meh he just sort of bounced off no big deal” but then you watch the slow mo and see that the windshield shatters from his head, before the bus hits anything else...
I started to read your post and was about to start typing an angry responce, then you redeamed yourself.
You obviously are not seeing my teasing/joking around tone.
Best of luck out there.