Must not have kids, if you have all this free time for going to the gas station all the time. Or maybe you do have kids, and that’s your only escape from them? ;-)
Must not have kids, if you have all this free time for going to the gas station all the time. Or maybe you do have kids, and that’s your only escape from them? ;-)
but if your not taking it to the track, why bother with the manual? I DO track my cars, so i DO have a manual. My street car is an auto..ok CVT, and its electric! cause who wants to mess with shifting or going to the gas station for commuting?
There is a reason all the top race cars are flappy paddle...but I am still going to keep buying my fun cars as manuals...
the very last clip shows someone controling one of them. Maybe they have sensors to help keep them in bound, or maybe the controls are like a video game, i.e. execute this per-programed move and otherwise they are automated.
I appreciate that the test he reads is all about “why are you reading texts while driving”. Attention to detail makes videos more fun.
The Elio isnt an EV (they have proposed an EV, but thats a future product). Its a 3 cylinder car that gets “up to 74mpg” or so. It was proposed when gas was $4.xx a gallon and everyone was selling their SUVs to buy the best mpg they could get. Thats the only thing the Elio has going for it, good mpg and cheap entry…
They are talking about the WRX STI, which is rated at 305 HP, so yes 5 more HP. The BRZ doesn’t get a HP bump.
Exactly what I want to know!
There was (is?) a guy in the PNW that got one cheap and was tracking it much envy....
Yeah doing this (from watching my dad) is exactly what caused me to get an automatic fail on my driving test.
Ah ok, yeah that makes sense then, and fitting with the area. ;-)
Any info where this was at? It looks like its in the greater Portland area.
Any time you need a snarky internet response I’m your guy. ;-)
its not its Autotrader
This is exactly the reason so many police shootings are so highly critizised. “he dropped the gun, therefore he was un-armed and the police could have just held him down, no reason at all to shoot him”. Maybe now people will realize that if someone is willing to pull a gun in a situation like this, they will also do…
No kidding! One of the few things Ford got right. Now when I use my wifes Acura I feel like a plebe having to fish around in my pocket, take the key out of my, insert in ignition, and twist! Ugh to much work!
Unless something has changed recently, the 3 is $2500 cheaper then the bolt (before inevitiable discounts by Chevy).
4th Gen Camaro’s
Cars was the first full length movie I let my 4 year old watch. She loved it. She loves getting to go for rides in my “race car” (92 vette, built for track use), she points out race cars any time she sees them (McClaren the other day, and an I8).