
If you watch the video, he is using the stock belts, and at the 17:55ish mark he says “you cant run a 6 point harness without a roll bar” so isnt installing that yet.

The article explains it pretty clearly:

Wifes car, Portland to Dallas, flew down drove it back, so 2k miles

It will sound great, be competitive, and way cheaper then the BMW M3 GT4?

Nice Vette! I suppose you dont have kids costing you 50k+ per plus per year (after tax’s) also. ;-) 

True, I never thought about it in terms of “taking a loan out on an 80k car”, only in “im going to pay cash for an 80k car”.

?!?! He is in his early 20s?!?!

My wife and I are well into 6 figure income, and I was jelous of my daughter getting $32 in pop can turn in money last night. So yeah $128 is still a lot of money...

On your own. There is track day insurance for non-competition track events, but no insurance for actual racing that I am aware of.

I have to disagree to a point.
I value a quality interior almost above all else. That doesnt mean it needs to be fancy. I had an 84 Civic for a few weeks before the engine blew. Every time I got in it i was stunned how high quality the interior seemed, even with the big crack in the dash.

While I like both of these cars, comparing the very top trim version of a car with the mid level model isn’t a very direct comparison. The numbers do line up nicely though.

Its all new system, just old logic used in the program.


yeah racing a friend in a kart seems tight enough on this track, i cant imagine flinging a car around...

Isnt this like any job interview? If you don’t currently have a job, they don’t even look at you. If you dont have a car, you cant work for Jalop....right? Isn’t that the way this works?

Cant argue with you there, but your also avoiding telling us where you are from.


Yes I agree, if you have an expensive car, get insurance. I was only making a point of WHY HPDEs are not the place for people to be “trying things out”. ;-) 

I’m confused, are you saying since you buy track insurance your ok with people drifting on track? And your $109 is a 73% cost increase to do a track night, which partly defeats the point of the tracknights. For that cost, and for a car that valuable well worth it, but I don’t buy it for my $9k car. I also have not had

Situation where you have an instructor and they want you to do it great. Track day where the guy behind you may not know what to do if you loose the drift, very bad.
If your on track in your personal car, do you want some yahoo throwing his car around in front of you “trying stuff out”? So when he pitches is $3k