
Can’t argue with you, everyones situation is different, and no 1 option is inherantly wrong.
What I will argue is that what we consider normal standard of living, is very self created, not a NEED but a WANT.
And putting money into a 7 year old car... yes there is definitly a point it doesnt make sense, but more often

“Buying new and then selling after a few years is anyone’s guess”

Great article, and glad to see I am not the only Dad on here with 2x daughters. They are a bit young now (4 & 2), but they will have the opportunity to be exposed to however much automotive life as they want to be. My older is big enough to to request rides in “the race car”. So I put her car seat in my 92 Vette and

Stef - breath, it will be fine. Up front be honest with your team, and let them know how you are feeling, so they can know how to support you. Take it easy, get comfortable, be safe, build speed as you go. The fastest car in the world cant win a 24 hour race if it doesn’t finish.

Love the new TL;DR info graph conclusion, great job!

Thats funny... My wife has only had 2 cars since I have known her, the same blue Malibu as above that she BOUGHT NEW!!! Horriable car...well horriable to drive, but it ran good and was mostly reliable. Just felt like a cheap death sentance... And her RDX (that I went half way across the country to get for her) that

As I work on my 92 Corvette I completely disagree with you. Though it is based on 80s GM engineering so maybe that’s the problem...

Not perfectly Chronological...

Similar to others I am 3/5

All that and no time slip?!?!

Darn, late to the party, I was going to ask her out. My wife may have a problem with it, but she doesnt share my hobbies, so I think it would be cool. ;-)

Engineer here, completely agree...

So I don’t need to say that I hope you get cancer?


This guy is NOT your Buddy! He is a horriable human being and you should never have contact with him again. Dodge Dart really? When you break up with him, show him how they are being sold for 5-8k off MSRP and that Dirt wouldnt be so dumb...

HEY I have gotten to RACE on this track! Thank goodness for affordable racing series like Chumpcar or that would never have happened.

Best line:

This makes me feel better. Any time play a racing game, and i so easliy spin when touching the edges of this narrow track i get angry, but now i know its realistic...

I like that your lead photo is in my neighborhood. At stop lights at least 75% of the people are looking at their phones...

lol... they can do more then 1 run before needing to recharge, one owner did 28 runs and went from 92% power to 58%, so maybe nother 10-15 runs and still have enough power to drive home?