
I to have one of these Suburbans in this Generation, bought it as a hunting/do all rig. 179k on the clock, that was 8 years ago and I have 195k on it now. Barely any miles because it sits... a lot. I use it when I need it, and it ALWAYS RUNS. It sits MONTHS at a time (3-6), charge up the battery do what I need to do,

And if he was in the US, im sure his insurance claim would be denied due to intentionally causing the accident...

was only half watching while working and looked up to see the white car get cut in half... at 0:45

Amazingly Jason has the right answer..

I want to be like “this rich jerk doesnt deserve something this special” but watching the video you see that this is special and amazing to them. Its good to see people appriciate what they get.

Actually the Spark is a great car at a great price...if you got one when they were clearing them out. Co-worker picked one up for $10,800 (after tax credit). New car, new car warrenty, and never having to buy fuel, was a smart buy.

Meh, I run 315s on the front of my C4 Corvette, no flares needed...

I wont argue that a faster charge rate would be nice, but....

As an owner of a Fusion Energi for the past 3 years I think I can offer a little different point of view.
Lets start with who shouldnt buy this car.

As an owner of a Fusion Energi for the past 3 years I completely disagree. Is this car for everyone? No. But if you dont have access to a port to charge your car everynight you shouldnt be buying a plug in EV. So since I have a place to charge, I have no issue with having it charge from 10pm-finished (4-5ish am

Or their support vehicles (to charge it) didnt emit any carbon dioxide either...

exactly, what could possiably go wrong!

I’ve been drifting my sububan around all week!

Says reliable, not pleasant to drive! ;-)

Normally I disagree with basically every pick, but this time I like the options.

I think thats called “average”. ;-)

Looking at the picture he already has a Mustang, so already has a “muscle” car, I am guessing sport sedan means he wants the handling side of things now.

Having not been in an ATS, I didnt know how “cramped” it was. But I also dont find any car cramped, other then a Miata. Im not big, but not small, 6', 230lbs. But I have a friend who is 6'2" and 110lbs (ok no, but super skinny) and he drives a full size truck since only a huge buick doesnt feel cramped to him. So its

Seems like ATS-V should be on this list, instead of the CTS-Vsport, true V, and fantastic chassiss, and an low ball offer away from 40k. (auto trader has an 11k mile auto for 45k)