
wow, that explain why we had all these stupid youtubish cashgrab

Damn, if true, it’s fucking over. I don’t come to kotaku for such high quality guides as “the first five steps: literally the ingame, always on screen tutorial”

But how are we going to hit our 50 guide quota without BG3 DLC?

This is a bummer but what would be cool is if Kotaku could be done with Jim Spanfeller, a man who is both an herb and hilariously bad at his job.

This doesn’t look like a how-to guide for BG3, does Spanfeller know about this?

Didn’t this entire fiasco with the Flipper Zero in Canada begin because some politician saw a TikTok with some idiot pretending to unlock a car with a Flipper Zero? And suddenly banning random gadgets sold on Amazon became the solution to looking like you were actually doing something to stop car theft!

i bet tech blogs inability to report competently doesn’t help.

It goes way deeper than religion. This is more or less them laying the foundation for something they want to use to identify undesirables.. Today it’s porn, tomorrow it could be because you shopped at the wrong place, or liked the wrong thing on Facebook.

This was the ultimate goal of the porn addiction rhetoric. Convince people they have a problem, tell those people you want to fix their problem, and they will let you do whatever you want.

Ha! Its probably harder now to access these sites than get a gun in Texas.. priorities..

He’s so fucking petty, such a child.

And even Tesla knows it’s dangerous to operate while driving. If I look at the screen for more than a second while autopilot is on it starts beeping at me to keep my eyes on the road.

Damn, the husband defending Elon and saying he still loves their Teslas just took the “Weird Elon Nerds taking a valid criticism bullet ” meme to a dark next level.

Something that’s really bothered me in my admittedly limited experience driving Teslas (this might apply to other major EVs as well, I’ve just only driven Teslas) is that they seem to start with an assumption that complicated technology necessarily needs to be complicated to use. There’s a reason that texting while

a touchscreen interface for shifting its cars“

Remember when Elon first announced the Cybertruck 5 years ago, he said this was going to be the middle class working man’s electric pickup truck? And now that the thing is finally available for purchase, it is being driven exclusively by ridiculously insecure, rich attention whores who don’t know how to drive. Does

The Cybertruck should just be a funky one-off that they release on the side to drum up interest in the brand, without too much extra risk or effort, while most of their focus remains on their core models. Is the company’s future really staked on the Cybertruck’s success, or is that just slideshow hyperbole?

Right? I’m reading this and thinking, this isn’t a new ploy. MITM and skimming from junk networks has been a thing forever. I remember being warned about it in the early 2000's for coffee shop wifi.
The author mentions other devices can do this, but its 10 paragraphs into the article, a bit misleading.  

Sometimes a sleek, fancy computer interface carries an illusion of safety, but more often than not, the extra layers of complexity make us more vulnerable